Chapter 8

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R: "But we're children."
AB: "Yes, the children of the Heroics."
She says as she hands out lemonade.
AB: "If anyone is gonna save the world, it's you, because all of you have superpowers."
FM: "Super lame powers."
WC: "Speak for yourself."
R: "Ok Johnny Random."
I just laugh cause Wildcard knows it's true.
AB: "Hmm. This is no way to be a super team."
Y/n: "Abuelita's right. Aliens are about to invade and if we wanna rescue our parents and save the planet, we're gonna need to do it now."
A: "Are you saying that we can be superheroes?"
Y/n: "Well, yeah I guess that kinda is what I'm saying."
A: 🎶We can be heroes just for one day🎶
We all turn and look at her weird.
A: "Sorry, it was there for the taking."
Y/n: "No. No it wasn't."
AB: "I need you all to maximize your powers."
WC: "Grandma, I've been trying to do that my whole life, so if you have any ideas I'm all ears."
Facemaker makes huge ears behind Wildcard and we all laugh.
AB: "Um it's not about who is the strongest or fastest. It's about working together, and that's why we need someone to be the leader."
WC: "That would be me."
AB: "I was actually talking about Y/n but thank you. FOLLOW ME. Quickly Quickly, Fast Fast!"
My jaw just dropped. She expects me to lead? I don't even have any powers! Wildcard looked mad at me, like dude I don't want this anymore than you do. We walk out to the back porch that leads to the backyard.
WC: "But I'm the leader."
Y/n: "He's right. And I'm totally ok with that."
AB: "Well I'm not and we don't have time to argue. So what I say goes.
WC: "Yes ma'am"
AB: "Hmm. Welcome to my training ground."
Everything comes through the ground. It's been a while since I've seen this. I used to train back here with my dad but nowadays I don't.
AB: "Let's boogie."
Everybody takes turns fighting the red people. I watched Rewind kinda play around until the red guy shows up. He attacked the red guy and does a flip and lands.
Y/n: "Woah."
R: "Come on you gotta try it!"
Y/n: "Me? No."
R: "I mean you said it yourself. You can fight."
Y/n: "Fine. You teach me how to do a side kick and I'll go against you."
R: "Fair enough."
He grabs my hand and pulls me to the air track.
R: "So when you kick to the side you want to I guess lean over to give yourself a better weak point to kick, like the face or chest. You also want to rotate your hips like in this motion."
He shows me the motion but I can't seem to get it.
R: "Here let me help you."
He grabs my waist and tells me to kick. When I kick he rotates my hips in the right direction.
Y/n: "Thanks."
R: "No problem."
I grab his arm and flip him onto the air track and sit on top of him.
Y/n: "Looks like I got you pinned."
R: "Not fair. I wasn't ready."
Y/n: "Shouldn't you always be ready?"
He pushes me over and now he's on top of me.
R: "And you my friend, let your guard down. Seems like you weren't ready either."
I laugh.
Y/n: "Touché" (good point)
He gets up and helps me up.
Slo-mo got hit by the bags that were swinging and starts falling.
Y/n: "Someone catch slo-mo! Noodles! I mean, no, Facemaker!"
FF & R: "What? Who? Make up your mind."
N: "I got him."
Noodles misses and hits the metal bar thing out of A Capella's hands and it lands on Rewind's head.
Y/n: "Rewind are you ok?!"
FM: "Woah woah!"
Noodles accidentally grabs Wheels and pulls him over and he flips on his side.
Y/n: "Listen to me!"
WC: "Slo-mo you never do anything right."
They all turn and look at me.
Y/n: "I can't do this."
I run away trying not to cry.

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