Chapter 9

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Rewind's POV:
I woke up on the ground at the training course. Everyone turns their heads towards Y/n and she runs off. I don't know what she said because I was still waking up. I decided to follow her. I found her sitting on the bench and I think she was crying. I walk over and sit beside her and pull her head to my chest.
R: "What's wrong?"
Y/n: "I can't do it Rewind. I'm not ready."
R: "Why do you say that? I mean you just pinned me easily."
Y/n: "It's not that I'm not physically ready, I'm not mentally ready. Ever since my mom passed away while fighting I promised myself I'd try not to fight. Dad did too so I wouldn't feel alone. But earlier today, he broke that promise. I wish there as a way to rewind time so I could warn myself-"
R: "Look at me."
I cup her face and wipe her tears with my thumbs.
R: "Your mom didn't die in vein. She was saving millions of people. There's no need to rewind time. I could easily do that. Don't worry about that. You have it easy too. All you should worry about right now is protecting yourself and finding your dad. At least you don't have to worry about protecting a sibling or anything."
Y/n: "What do you mean?"
R: "I'm the older twin so I feel like I have to make sure Fast Forward is ok at all times. It's crazy cause now that I think about it, I don't actually dislike her."
Y/n: "Yeah. I figured."
We both look at each other.
R: "And to be honest you taught me that."
Y/n: "Me? No way."
R: "Yes way. You taught me team work and everything. My sister and I can be really powerful together if we would just get along. We get it from our parents so."
She just laughs. We just talked about random stuff.
Y/n: "Hey. Do you want a round 2?"
R: "Sure."
I challenged Rewind to a round 2. I got first hit. He somehow got offense and I was blocking his kicks. I grabbed his arm and used the same trick from earlier. I was once again sitting on top of him. Only difference is it probably hurt more cause we weren't on the air track.
Y/n: "Wow. I got you pinned with the same move. Sucks for you."
R: "This time you didn't let your guard down either."
Y/n: "Nope."
I got close to his face.
Y/n: "Don't let it happen next time."
And I kissed him.

Slick's Dojo
Oh my gawddddd my hearttttt 😩

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