Chapter 18

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(Play the song at the top as you read this next part cause that's how it is in the movie. Don't start reading until Ms. Vox starts to sing. She's the the mom btw.)
Ojo was staring at me like it was funny.
I walk out towards the center of the tightrope. I was super nervous because I couldn't do it at the training grounds let alone here. I start to lose my balance but then I find my center point. I continue walking out onto the tightrope. I look around at everyone. I knew there was no going back now because I was here in the center and the aliens were on the ends of the tightrope. I look over at everyone else. I look at Rewind and he looks like he's about to cry. I wave over to the aliens telling them they could come to me. This is when I came to my senses that if this didn't work....I'm gonna die. I look over at Noodles and tell him that it was ok to let go and drop me and the aliens. He let go and I started to free fall. As I fell I heard Rewind yell my name and look over the edge. I started to freak out but I calmed down. I closed my eyes and just fell...until I felt an arm around my waist. It was Noodles pulling me up. I turned and waved at the aliens and then turned back around. I came up and landed on the ground. I gave Noodles a thumbs up and he gave one back. The first person to run and give me a hug was Rewind.
Y/n: "I told you I'd be ok."
R: "Don't ever do that to me again."
Y/n: "I won't I swear."
He lets go and I wipe his tears.
Y/n: "Plus I hate to see you cry."
He just gave me a small smile.
Y/n: "How's it going Wheels?"
W: "Great."
He says rolling towards us.
W: "All we have to do is swap out the ignition chamber's motherboard with one that'll tell the device it launched even when it didn't. That way we fooled it-"
N: "Dude! Just tell us how long."
Y/n: "Chill out Noodles."
W: "Oh now long. Now put it into the ignition chamber up there."
Noodles starts to reach up but Ojo draws a tentacle that slaps it out of his hand. It lands on one of the lights at the bottom of the void. I guess it's not bottomless.
Y/n: "Noodles!"
He reaches down but he isn't able to reach far enough.
N: "I can't reach!"
FM: "It's too high to jump."
Y/n: "Nobody would ever survive that fall."
S: "I......can."
He jumps into the void.
Y/n: "Slo-mo!"
I look at Rewind.
Y/n: "Rewind, stop him. Reverse it!"
R: "Hold on. I think you know what he's doing."
I get a vision from earlier. I remember that every time Slo-mo fell, he fell in slow motion and it never hurt.
Y/n: "Oh wait. You're right I do."
I look back at the time and we have like 40 seconds left. I just stand there as he gently places his feet on the light and grabs the motherboard. We all cheer for Slo-mo.
W: "Uh guys. How are we gonna get him back up here."
Y/n: "Wildcard! We need you! Right now!"
He had frozen everybody in the control center.
WC: "I'm on my way. Stay cool."
He teleports to us and my jaw drops.
FM: "Dude! You actually teleported."
They high-five each other.
Y/n: "I'm sorry to ruin this moment and I'm proud of you and all but like get down there quick!"
He teleports down to Slo-mo and flys back up with him.
W: "Now swap the motherboards up there."
Noodles swaps the motherboards right as the clock hits zero. Everything starts to shake. I notice the pyramid start to open up.
Y/n: "What's happening?"
O: "The takeover is happening!"
And she smiles like it's a good thing.
The opening gets really bright, but then the shaking stops. All of a sudden our PARENTS walk out of the pyramid in slow motion. Well everyone except Blinding Fast. Then they stand there in their heroic stances looking at us.
Y/n: "Wait so our parents were in the pyramid all along? But I don't understand. What's the takeover?!"

Slick's Dojo
I'm gonna cryyyyy the next chapter is the last for this book 🥺 I am gonna make a sequel though cause I absolutely love this story sm.
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