Chapter 13

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They walked us into what looked like a cell and pushed us in one by one. They dropped Slo-mo and he started to be dramatic as he fell. I just rolled my eyes.
WC: "Quit the pantomime Slo-mo. You didn't even scrape a knee."
He smiles as he looks up and plays dumb.
MG: "Oh good. Just the kind of divisive attitude I've been counting on."
She crosses her arms.
MG: "You kids are just like your parents. The same in-fighting. The same bickering. Putting your own egos ahead of your team."
WC & Y/n: "Not true!"
Guppy pulls out her water to get a drink.
MG: "Take away her water."
Guppy gasps. The guard that wouldn't let us leave earlier grabbed her water bottle. I go hug Guppy. Granada starts pointing at Rewind & Fast Forward.
MG: "They're too powerful together."
They point at themselves. The alien separates them. Ojo hugs her iPad looking at Granada.
MG: "Oh don't worry. I won't take away your little toy. I already know what your future is."
She pulls out a key.
MG: "Imprisonment."
I stare at the key just in case I need to remember what it looks like cause you never know.
MG: "Life...long."
It's almost as if she's taunting us. She laughs and then turns to leave. She locks the door and leaves.
G: "How are we getting out of here?"
I walk towards the door.
Y/n: "I.....don't know."
WC: "What do you mean you don't know?"
Y/n: "I said what I said and I meant what I said."
~15 minutes later~
Rewind was sitting on the ground and I decided to go and get some words of encouragement from him. I went and sat in between his legs and leaned my back into his chest. He just hugged me.
Y/n: "Rewind, I'm scared."
R: "To be honest me too. Guppy can't seem to get the door open. What if we don't get to see our parents again?"
Y/n: "It would be my fault."
R: "Partially but we all agreed to come up here so it was all of us."
Y/n: "I guess."
He just started to play with my hair.
FM: "I bet Miss Granada's been working there for years."
WC: "They must have hacked the elections and put their own alien in as president so they could set a trap for the Heroics."
They say as they pace around.
W: "I'm such an idiot. President Neil Anami. Spell Neil Anami backwards and you have 'I'm an alien'"
We all roll our eyes.
Y/n: "Everyone thinks that the aliens only invaded this morning but they've been here for years, planning this takeover the whole time."
WC: "And now we're locked in this stupid cell with no way out."
I roll my eyes.
Y/n: "You're welcome."
I look over at Guppy.
Y/n: "Any luck?"
She's struggling really hard. She hits the door and it shakes but nothing. She turns away with her arms straight and stomping.
G: "I need water. Without water I can't use my powers."
She sits down and crosses her arms and legs.
FM: "I need food. My stomach hurts."
N: "My arm hurts."
I look down knowing it's my fault we're in the situation. Rewind hugs me again.
R: "It's gonna be ok."
He whispers.
WC: "My ears hurt! We never should have come up to this ship. You led us up here."
Y/n: "You think I wanted to get us locked up in an alien ship?"
W: "It was all of us. We did it together."
G: "I wanna go home."
FF & R: "Me too!"
They look at each other.
W: "We all want to go home. The key is figuring out how to get out of this room so we can make sure there's a home to go back to."
I look up and think. The key, home to go back to, that's upsetting. Hold up.
Y/n: "Wait a second. What did you just say?"
A: "He said we all want to go home."
Y/n: "Not that, the second part."
W: "Figure out how to get out of this room so we can make sure there's a home to go back to?"
G: "Stop saying that."
WC: "Keep it together."
R: "You know that's Guppy.....right?"
It all makes sense now. Guppy needs water right? What he said made us upset!
I stand up.
Y/n: "Guys...maybe it's time to admit we're never getting out of here."
They all look at me.
R: "What?"
Y/n: "I mean let's get real. These walls and this door must be like two-feet thick. It's totally impossible."
WC: "Wow, great attitude."
I go sit back down by Rewind.
Y/n: "Yep. We're never getting out of here, and we're certainly never seeing our parents again..."
I wink at Wheels.
Y/n: "That's for sure."
He finally realizes what I'm doing and goes along with it.
W: "She's right. Pretty soon we'll forget what they even look like. The way they smelled, it'll all just be..."
He snaps.
W: "Gone."
I could tell Rewind was getting upset because he hugged me and put his head face down on my shoulder.
WC: "Jeez, you guys are really bumming me out."
I wink at him. (Not how Missy did in the movie cause that's too noticeable 😭)
He realizes the plan too.
WC: "But I guess this really is the end."
Everyone but me Wheels and Wildcard start crying. I did have a couple tears come out but I'm sensitive anyways.
N: "But I'm not ready for the end."
Facemaker was starting to get puppy dog eyes.
R: "I was just starting to think...maybe my sister didn't hate me."
FF: "I don't hate you."
FF & R: "I love you."
Y/n: "That love we real."
Facemaker has HUGE eyes as he cries.
Y/n: "And it's that love...that'll get us out of here."
R: "Huh?"

Slick's Dojo
Oh how I love early morning practice 🥲

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