Chapter 15

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Slo-mo keeps attacking the guards in slow motion and we watch as the guard slides to the middle with the rest. Wheels rolls right beside the intersection. He notices the guards getting close to Guppy. He clicks a button that makes his wheels start spinning really fast.
W: "Noodles chin up bar!"
Noodles throws his arm out and grabs the wall. Wheels grabs his arm and pulls himself up and he's like vertical but upside down. My jaw drops. I remembered he said his muscles were strong but I didn't think that strong! He just waits up there. Rewind gets against the wall with Guppy.
W: "Go."
His wheelchair takes off and knocks over the guards. It comes back and he sits in it. He and Noodles give a thumbs up to each other.
Y/n: "Great job Wheels."
We all turn and see A Capella fighting a guard.
Y/n: "Go A Capella!"
She takes her down and breaks her arm, but the arm turns into an alien arm. She throws the arm off of her and comes to join us.
Y/n: "Ew!"
We watch as the guard gets lifted up by her alien arms. We turn around and see the other guards doing the same thing. The aliens reach up and grab shackles and put them on our wrists.
Wildcard's POV:
I was walking around alone.
WC: "Focus on super strength!"
I run to the door but I can't push it open.
WC: "Focus on teleportation."
I run into the door and fall to the ground. Then I remember what Y/n said. I have to believe in myself. That's the key. I hear footsteps approach me. I look up and see Granada.
MG: "Hmm... Nice try kid. Take him to interrogation."
I got snatched up by the aliens.
I look over at Rewind as he struggles to rewind time.
Y/n: "Rewind!"
R: "I'm sorry Y/n but I can't."
Y/n: "Please! Do it for me!"
FF: "We can do this."
R: "How?"
FF: "We work together. I'll help you."
Rewind and Fast Forward start to use one hand. They did it. They can rewind time together. Our hands fall out of the shackles. I rub my wrists.
Y/n: "Noodles, get those shackles out of the ceiling!"
He reaches up and pulls the shackles out of the ceiling.
R: "Now fast forward, quick!"
The time speeds up and when the aliens reach for the shackles, they're not there.
We all laugh. They try to walk towards us but fall because they're chained up. We all laugh again. The guard in the middle looks back at the shackles and then at us. He reaches in his pockets and pulls out the keys.
A: "Uh-oh"
FF: "Again."
They rewind time again and grab the keys, then they fast forward again. This time he reaches in his pockets and the keys aren't there.
Y/n: "Looking for these?"
He slams his hand on the ground. Rewind and Fast Forward high-five each other. I walk in front of them.
Y/n: "Great job, Fast Forward. Excellent work, Rewind."
He kept rewinding me. Then he paused me.
R: "I just like hearing her say it."
FF: "Of course you do."
Ms. Granada's POV:
I got Wildcard in the interrogation room. I walk in and start asking things.
MG: "Ok, Wildcard, spill it. What's the big plan hmm?"
WC: "Well, the plan was to get me close enough to you to turn you into the dumbest alien that ever existed."
He throws his hands at me.
WC: "No way! My powers finally worked."
One of my guards starts laughing. I turn to him.
MG: "Keep laughing and I'll blast you right back to Ogima."
I turn back to Wildcard. He just smiled at me.
MG: "We have ways of getting the truth out of you, you know."
WC: "That'd be a first. HA!"
The same guard starts laughing again. He's on his last straw before I-
We run out on the platform and up to the pyramid.
Y/n: "We only have six minutes left!"
W: "Not a problem. Not a problem. All I have to do is reprogram the rocket's main contr-"
This red thing covers up the whole pyramid.
R: "What is that?"
Wheels reaches in the back of his wheelchair and pulls out a random object. He starts reaching towards the pyramid.
W: "Maybe it's a..."
The object gets zapped and disintegrates in mid air.
W: "A force field?!"
Y/n: "No no no we were so close!"
A: "But there's no one here but us."
N: "Who did this?"
??: "I did."
We all turn around and see Ojo.
Ojo= O
N: "Ojo, did you just talk?"
O: "I could always talk. I simply chose to observe and listen instead. And what I heard was chaos, dysfunction, disharmony...just like your parents."
Y/n: "But that's not true. We were working together."
I say while walking towards her.
O: "Were you? Then where's Wildcard."
Y/n: "That's a good question. Hey Wildcard old buddy. Are you in the ship's control room yet?"

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