Chapter 4

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The news people go on and on about how important the battle is when they have to bring in Sharkboy.
Everyone cheers. He came out of the ocean on a shark and lands on one of the docks. Lavagirl then emerged from an active volcano (could never be me) and she was riding a rock covered in lava.
G: "Go Sharkboy and Lavagirl!"
Apparently the mayor is opening city hall after they fixed it because of the last battle in the city. All of a sudden someone or something zooms through the frame and cuts the ribbon. It was actually blinding fast.
Y/n: "Wow"
Rewind and I look at each other.
R: "You've never watched one of these battles before?"
I shake my head.
R: "Well then. You're about see the Heroics in action."
Y/n: "Cool"
S: "Go Dad!" (In slo-mo ofc)
Crushing low comes out of nowhere and destroys the building. I flinch and look away as I grab something.
R: "You okay?"
Y/n: "Yeah I'm just sensitive to certain things. Almost like past trauma"
I look down and notice I was holding Rewind's wrist.
Y/n: "Sorry"
I let go.
R: "It's fine."
Everyone starts cheering again.
WC: "Pass the popcorn. This battle's gonna be epic!"
Slo-mo slowly hands Wildcard the popcorn.
The news anchors say that Miracle Guy was back and wouldn't go down without a fight. I can't believe my dad lied to me. It wasn't a practice or test, it was real. I started to get a little nervous. I snap back into reality and see my dad.
Y/n: "Wait he's not supposed to be there."
Miracle Guy gets knocked into a building and lands on another one.
N: "No way! No one's ever taken down Miracle Guy!"
Noodle's mom disappears cause that's her power. Sharkboy gets knocked into a helicopter and gets taken by the aliens.
Guppy gasps. Miracle guys tries to fly away but the aliens pull him down and he gets captured. That's 2 down.
G: "I thought the Heroics were unbeatable."
W: "They are unbeatable. It's not over yet."
Rewind and Fast Forward's parents are arguing again. Now I see where they get it from. They get taken because they weren't paying attention.
R: "Mom"
FF: "Dad"
Rewind looks at his sister and I can see the fear in his eyes. I just rub his back.
FM: "Go dad."
I saw Facemakers dad just flying on screen. He gets caught and Facemaker makes a weird face. All of a sudden it rewinds. Then fasts forwards. Then rewinds and fast forwards again.
R: "I want to see it again"
FF: "And I don't want to see it again."
Y/n: "Chill out. It's ok."
R: "Fine"
Mrs. Vox starts destroying aliens with her voice but gets grabbed over her mouth and gets taken also.
A: "Wha-"
Lavagirl tries to hit the main ship but accidentally hits Tech-no. They both get caught and Guppy gasps again.
A Capella comforts her, I mean she is the youngest one. Blinding Fast was trying to make the aliens dizzy I guess.
W: "They won't get Blinding Fast. Not him, he's too-"
They grab him and Wheels gasped. So does slo-mo who also starts to cry and I watch as his tear slowly hits the ground. I knew my dad wouldn't be able to get out of that. An alien takes my dads thing that helps him fly and he hits the ground and then a truck. I flinch and turn away but turn back really fast. All the aliens started to surround him. He calls my watch.
Y/n: "Dad? Dad we had a deal."
MM: "I know. I promised I wouldn't be a hero anymore."
Y/n: "I can't believe you would lie."
MM: "But I'm still the leader of the Heroics."
Y/n: "Forget me being mad. Dad run! Get out of there!"
MM: "And a good leader...leads by example."
Y/n: "Don't do it!"
MM: "I'm sorry honey."
He jumps into all of the aliens and I sit down and all I could do was cry. Rewind hugs me.
R: "I'm sorry."
Y/n: "It's not your fault. He lied."
R: "If it makes you feel any better at least your dad was being a leader while my parents were arguing."
I laugh a little bit.
Y/n: "I guess you're right."

Slick's Dojo
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