Chapter 6

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We discussed the plan and now all we had to do was do it. Facemaker went and opened the door.
FM: "Hey, is that updog?"
Guard: "What's up dog?"
FM: "Not much. Just living my best life over here. Not like I'm totally up to no good or anything."
He comes back in followed by three guards. One of them shuts the door.
Y/n: "So don't ask us how we know this, but aliens are about to attack and we're no longer safe here."
Guard: "This place is a fortress. Nothing's getting in. And I'm afraid no one's getting out either. Those are the rules."
Y/n: "Oof! Then we're definitely getting out of here, and so we're gonna need your access cards. Like, now."
The guard laughs at me. I think he forgot there's like 8 kids with superpowers standing right in front of him.
Guard: "And uh you think we'll just hand these to you?"
Y/n: "No, but it would have made this a whole lot easier."
I look over towards the couch.
Y/n: "Cushions."
Wildcard, Facemaker, and Noodles each bring over a cushion and set them on the ground in front of us.
Guard: "What are these for?"
Y/n: "Tell him Guppy."
G: "To protect your butts when you hit the ground."
Guard: "Why don't you get back in line?"
Guppy grabs his arm and flips him over and he lands on the middle cushion.
Guard: "Oh no!"
She flips another gaurd over her head and onto another cushion.
Guard: "She's got shark strength!"
She kicks the guard she just flipped over her head and he flies and lands in the hanging chair.
G: "Have a nice nap."
The other guard tries to grab Guppy but Noodles grabs him and flips him over. He grabs the access card from his waist and hands it to me. He then grabs the other ones and hands them to me.
Y/n: "Aliens really are about to attack, so we will have to leave your expert care until you and Miss Granada know what we know."
The guard hits the button on the wall and a gate comes up and blocks the door.
FF: "This was a bad idea."
Y/n: "Wheels, next time this happens don't let the guard reach the alarm. Noodles you'll take his jacket and cuff them."
Guard: "What next time? You kids aren't-"
We hear a noise and turn towards the vent. It stops turning. Then all of a sudden an alien busts through the vents and the guard screams. So much for being Mr. Tough Guy.
WC: "I told you your plan wouldn't work."
The alien grabs him.
Y/n: "No! Rewind, send us back."
He rewinds the time again.
Y/n: "so we will have to leave your expert care until you and Miss Granada know what we know."
Wheels rolls over the guards leg so he can't reach the alarm. Noodles cuffs the guard. He then takes the guard that was talking's jacket then cuffs him.
Y/n: "Come on, let's go."
W: "Single file line! Like a fire drill. We'll be questioned less that way."
It's just me and Wildcard left in the room. We both hear a noise and the aliens come out the vent again.
WC: "Beginner's luck."
Y/n: "Sure it is"
I just roll my eyes and we both close the door.
Y/n: "Noodles, stretch make yourself tall."
We all start walking.
N: "Greetings fellow grown-ups."
A woman noticed us and sees the aliens trying to get out the door. She hits the alarm and we all start running. I wasn't looking where I was going and I knocked someone over.
R: "Y/n are you ok?"
Y/n: "Yeah I'm fine"
The lady looks at us and I noticed it was Miss Granada. Rewind and I both scream and run to catch up with the others.

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