Chapter 19

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The president, Miss Granada, and other alien guards walk out.
MG: "The takeover of power! From your parents."
We all look at each other confused.
MG: "You see, the next generation is always an improvement from the last."
O: "Things are not heading in the right direction on your planet, and you children are inheriting Earth's problems and need to be able to fix them sooner rather than later."
P: "It's in the best interest of the entire galaxy that life on Earth survives and thrives. So we infiltrated both your government and Heroics Headquarters so we could train you and accelerate the transfer of power."
O: "As you've seen from today's events it's not enough to be strong, powerful, or even magic, if you do not use your strengths together and with good judgment..."
I hear I cough behind me and figured it was my dad because his team argues a lot and he just sits quietly.
O: "You are doomed."
W: "But I don't understand. The clock hit zero. We were one second to late."
The president points at Ojo.
P: "The supreme commander knew down to the second exactly when the takeover would happen."
O: "Your guess was close Wheels, but not quite right. Everything on this ship wasn't designed for children."
W: "Ohhhh! It was designed by children."
The president and Miss Granada both point and click their tongues at Wheels.
O: "That's correct. On our planet the children our in charge."
All the aliens except for Ojo reveal their alien tentacles and bow down to Ojo.
Y/n: "So you're their leader?"
O: "Yes. Just as I knew you would be a natural leader. That's why I drew you at the front of the class. So...from one leader to another as we each head off to face the challenges of the universe can we count on you to not just save your planet but the entire galaxy?"
Y/n: "You have our word. When you need us we'll be there."
O: "Thank you."
She steps back and opens her arms. I turn around and look at our parents. Just as they're about to step into the void the floor comes out. We all go run to our parents.
(I'm just gonna do them in order like in the movie without switching POVs)
Guppy hugs her mom.
Lava Girl: "I love you."
She turns and punches her dad's hands and then kicks him. He goes flying across the room. He runs back and he hugs Guppy and picks her up. Wheels rolls up to his dad who kneels down to his level.
Miracle Guy: "How do you feel son?"
W: "Strong. You know like really strong!"
Miracle Guy: "You're stronger than I'll ever be."
They hug each other.
Miracle Guy: "I'm proud of you."
A Capella and her mom Ms. Vox run to each other and sing. 🎶I'm so very proud of you🎶
Slo-mo finally makes it to his dad and he hugs him. He leans back.
Blinding Fast: "Put it there buddy."
Slo-mo raises his hand and takes a deep breath. He gives his dad a super fast high-five.
Blinding Fast: "What the? You're so fast."
They hug each other again. He takes a breath again.
S: "I love you."
Blinding Fast: "I love you too buddy. I love you too."
(The twins' Mom's name is Red Lightning Fury so she's RLF and their dad is Crimson Legend which is CL and I say that because they might be in the sequel of this book)
RLF: "You're so wonderful together. I am so proud of you."
CL: "You two make such a great team."
Rewind kept rewinding his dad. Fast Forward just kept smiling at him. I fist bump Facemaker, high-five Rewind, and hug Fast Forward.
Y/n: "Hey dad. Hey grandma."
MM: "Hey! Someone's made a few friends."
He says as Noodles and I do our handshake.
AB: "I tell you Marcus, natural-born leader."
MM: "I should get captured more often."
Y/n: "Um no. Not without me you're not. If you ever go on any other missions, I'm gonna be there right by your side. Deal?"
MM: "A deal is...a deal."
We shake hands and hug each other.
Y/n: "I missed you."
We pull back and my Abuelita looks at me and I know she wanted me to tell. I took a super deep breath because I was scared.
Y/n: "No more secrets. Dad can I tell you something?"
MM: "Yeah. What is it?"
Y/n: "Well me and Rewind may have-"
I felt arms around my neck (a hug).
Y/n: "Yeah this."
I knew it was Rewind.
MM: "I'm not mad."
R: "Well we uh..."
AB: "Well say it, unless you want me to say."
Y/n: "Ok ok I'll say it. I may have kissed him and Abuelita saw..."
MM: "Y/n Moreno!"
I look down.
MM: "It's fine. I'm ok with you guys."
Y/n: "I mean we're not dating-"
R: "Yet."
MM: "I guess....I give you my consent."
I turn around and hug Rewind.
R: "Hey Y/n! I've been thinking and I think I know what your power is."
Y/n:"Wait what?!"
R:"You have super memory. Throughout today you have remembered everything. Every detail. Like when A Capella showed she could make chairs float, you remember and said she could make people float. You also remembered the key, how to fight, and you remembered Slo-mo doesn't get hurt when he falls."
Y/n:"I guess you're right."
R: "I'm always right."
I just laugh.

This is the day our heroes fell, but others did rise. As for the aliens, they'll be back, and when they call on us for help, we will be prepared. We will be ready.

~The End~

The Sequel will take place 2 months later. Y/n and Rewind will be dating. One day Ojo calls them and is panicking because her planet (Ogima) is in danger. Will the new Heroics be able to save their friend's planet from being taken over by invaders?

BYE! I'm gonna go cry now 👍🏿🥲
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