Chapter 5

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They say "The Heriocs Have Fallen"

I can't believe it...

The president decided to make a public announcement. I never liked our president that much. I always thought he was weird cause of his stutter.
He basically says all this nonsense trying to sound "professional"
FM: "How did this guy ever get to be president? He can't even put two sentences together."
He says the Supreme Commander of the aliens says they're from a planet named Ogima and they want us to cooperate in the takeover or they'll destroy Earth and we only have 3 hours.
MG: "Children"
We all jump and I grab Rewind's hand again, but this time I don't let go.
MG: "for your own safety we're going into full lockdown. No one leave your seats. As long as you stay where you are, you are all safe."
The TV goes back up.
N: "Yeah right. They can't protect us from that. We just saw it."
WC: "You got a better idea?"
G: "We should probably do what Miss Granada says."
I then thought of something from earlier.
Y/n: "Uh, pardon me, but-"
FM: "The last look on my dad's face will haunt me forever."
He makes a scared face that looked actually really similar to the one his dad actually made.
A: "What do they want from us?"
R: "Do you think our parents are ok?"
Y/n: "Uh, excuse me?"
WC: "What?"
Y/n: "First of all watch your attitude..."
WC: "What are you gonna do about it?"
R: "I don't think you wanna know..."
Y/n: "Anyways we need to leave this room right now."
G: "Why?"
Y/n: "Because the aliens know where we are, and they're coming for us next."
Facemaker makes a confused face.
WC: "How could you possibly know that?"
I walk over to Ojo and ask to see her iPad and she lets me see it.
Y/n: "Ojo drew these. Facemaker standing on top of the floating chairs, Noodles smashing the exercise ball-"
WC: "She draws what she sees, big deal."
R: "Dude shut up and let her talk."
Y/n: "She drew these Things five minutes before they happened. Ojo's superpower isn't that she can draw, she can draw the future."
WC: "Ok, cool. Good for Ojo. What's your point?"
Y/n: "But you can't even control your powers- nope never mind. She also drew these alien creatures breaking into this very room. There."
Wheels grabs the iPad.
N: "Woah. You're saying they'll be coming in through there?"
W: "She's right. All these drawings suddenly make perfect sense. Ojo can see the future."
WC: "Let me get this straight. Some new girl shows up with absolutely ZERO powers and suddenly we're gonna do what she says?"
Y/n: "Oh I forgot! When they break in they're coming for you first so either I let the aliens take you or you can listen to what I have to say before being rude."
He was real silent after that.
N: "I'm with her on this one."
A: "Seems like she's got a point."
Y/n: "Plus just a moment ago you agreed that we weren't safe here."
WC: "We're safer in here than running around with you playing 'captain'."
Y/n: "I just wanna get out of here. If anybody wants to join me, you're free to follow."
He stands up and walks towards me.
WC: "Fine. We're getting out of here, but only because I say so, you got that?"
W: "Well what's the plan? Granada said that this place is on full lockdown. There'll be guards everywhere."
WC: "Yeah Y/n. What's the plan?"
Y/n: "Well..."
I step towards him.
Y/n: "I figured this is kind of like making an omelet."
I walk towards the door.
Y/n: "You always start by"
N: "Breaking some eggs."

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