Chapter 2

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One of the boys with curly hair stretches his neck to the door.
??: "She's gone!"
All of a sudden everyone starts yelling and throwing paper. I just roll my eyes and look back at my iPad. A paper air plane made of water flies in front of my eyes and I follow it with my eyes. A little girl catches it and makes something and raises her eyebrows. I turn to the other side and there's a kid in a wheel chair.
??: "Hi I'm wheels! Yes they call me that on account of the wheel chair. It's a little on the nose, but I like it because it's cool."
Y/n: "Ok. I don't care."
W: "You may think I'm in the chair 'cause my legs are weak-"
Y/n: "Yeah I do"
W: "Well....but it's the opposite."
Y/n: "What do you mean?"
W: "My muscles are so strong my bones can't support 'em!"
Y/n: "Cool"
W: "But lucky for me, my brain's the same way. It's Supercharged, so I'm good."
Maybe it won't be so bad in here.
All of a sudden the boy from earlier stretches his neck in between me and wheels.
??: "So, Wheels, who's your new friend?"
W: "Y/n, this is noodles.  We call him that because, well..."
Y/n: "He stretches and twists around like a noodle?"
N: "Yeah, basically."
W: "And that's Ojo."
I kinda jump cause she came out of nowhere.
W: "Her power is she's a genius drawer. Like Van Gogh mixed with Monet with just a sprinkle of Salvador Dali."
Whoever they are cause I don't know.
Y/n: "Mind if I see that?"
She passes me the iPad.
Y/n: "A kid standing on top of floating chairs? That's a little crazy but after what I've seen in this room, I believe it.
An exploding exercise ball?"
W: "Nothing she draws makes sense."
I swipe one more time.
Y/n: "Is that me?"
She just smiles at me.
Y/n: "Why'd you draw me in front of the classroom?"
N: "Oh, she won't answer."
W: "She only speaks through her drawings."
??: 🎶 Don't speak I know just what you're saying🎶
N: "No you don't. You have no clue what she's saying!"
W: "And this is A Capella."
A Capella: A
A: "It me."
Y/n: "That's your superpower? You can sing?"
A: "Yep, but I have an unusual range. I can go loooooow or I can go hiiiiiiiiiiiigh! I can even go really-"
I couldn't hear anything.
Y/n: "I don't hear anything."
A: "It's beyond human hearing."
All of a sudden the intercom comes on.
MG: "Miss A Capella Vox, would you please refrain from using your high voice. Every dog in the neighborhood has surrounded our building."
We all laugh. I can't believe I'm actually enjoying myself.
Y/n: "That's cool!"

Slick's Dojo
Idk what to say but I'm not getting views on this and I understand why and I'm still gonna post anyway 😭🖐🏿 so if you see this then...HI 🤣
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