Chapter 14

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G: "Why are you guys saying all this stuff? It's almost like you want everybody to cry- ohhhhhh!"
Y/n: "Guppy, quick, gather all the tears."
She goes around gathering all of the tears from everyone. Facemaker had the most, I'm not surprised. As she gathers the tears I turn around and sit on Rewind's lap.
Y/n: "Sorry for making you cry."
R: "It's ok. I mean you saved us."
I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. I pulled back as Guppy finished grabbing the tears.
G: "What did it look like again?"
I described it to her.
A Capella came over.
A: "What are you making?"
G: "I'm making a key."
She thumps it and smiles. I grab it a look at it then her. I pat her head.
Y/n: "Little Miss. Guppy. You just saved us."
I walk over to the door and unlock it. It opens up and I shake the key and smile.
Y/n: "Come on let's go!"
R: "Nice work."
Y/n: "Thanks."
I just smile at him.
We all get outside the door.
Y/n: "Wheels, how much time do we have?"
W: "18 minutes."
Y/n: "Then we're gonna need to hurry if we want to stop the takeover."
WC: "Us? Are you nuts? We have to go free our parents and let them handle it."
Y/n: "No! There's no time for that! By the time we get there, they-"
WC: "I'm through listening to you. When I woke up this morning, everything was perfect and then you come along and everything's a mess. If Little Miss No-Powers is who you want as a leader, fine, follow her straight into Alienville. But Facemaker and I are gonna go get our parents."
We all were silent.
FM: "We are?"
WC: "Yes. Right now."
Y/n: "Guys, we have to stick together."
They walk and turn the corner.
Y/n: "Guys!"
Ojo looks at me.
Y/n: "What can you do? Some people are just-"
W: "Forget him. We need to get to the rocket so I can stop it before it launches."
Y/n: "How are you so sure you can do that?"
W: "Because everything the aliens build is super intuitive to use, almost like it was designed for children to operate. Get me close, I'll turn it off."
Wildcard's POV:
Me and Facemaker are just walking around looking for our parents.
FM: "I don't understand. Why did we split up? Where are we going? How do you know our parents are this way?"
We find an intersection.
WC: "Ok, this is good."
FM: "What do you mean 'This is good'?"
WC: "Are you questioning my authority?"
FM: "Uhhh... I don't even know what we're talking about."
WC: "Really? The confused thing? That's what you're going with?"
I push him and he pushes me back. I yell at him and he walks away by himself leaving me alone in the intersection. Perfect.
We finally found the door that leads to the bottom floor of the big room with the pyramid.
W: "That's it there."
A: 🎶We're gonna make it after all🎶
Then we see guards and we all stop.
FF: "Uh no we're not!"
We turn and run the other direction but more guards come and shut the doors. I get in a fighting position.
R: "Uh guys! What do we do now? Y/n"
N: "Why do you seem so calm?"
Y/n: "Because we have something they don't know about, a secret weapon."
W: "We do?"
Y/n: "Yeah. Teamwork! Alone, our powers are special, but together we're unstoppable! Slo-mo, attack! A Capella, eardrums!"
She sings and all the guards wince in pain.
Y/n: "Rewind, let's take them down!"
Rewind cracked his knuckles and we started fighting the guards. He punched one guard then punched another. He then kicked the guard. This guard came at me and I used the side kick Rewind taught me. I then grabbed his arm flipped him and landed in a lunge and punched him in the face. Another guard came and grabbed be from behind.
Y/n: "Rewind!"
R: "Y/n! Duck."
I put my head down and he kicked the guard in the head and he let go of me. I side kicked him, then did a roundhouse then took him to the ground and punched his stomach.
R: "Woah. Remind me not to mess with you."
I laugh.
Y/n: "Ok."
I look around and notice Guppy's gone.
Y/n: "Rewind I'll be back. Keep fighting."
R: "With pleasure."
Y/n: "Guppy? Guppy?"
I start walking around and find Guppy.
Y/n: "Guppy? Guppy, what are you doing?!"
G: "Staying calm."
Y/n: "Well not now!"
I bend down to her to make sure she hears me.
Y/n: "Guppy listen to me."
I hear Rewind scream in frustration.
Y/n: "Shark frenzy!"
She stands up, puts her sunglasses, and growls. I move up against the wall to let her pass.
Y/n: "Everyone stand back!"
R: "Woah!"
The guard drops Rewind and Guppy grabs the guard and throws him. She grabs another one and throws him. She turns around and growls at the other guards who are backing up. She grabs one and growls in his face and throws him with one hand. She turns around and sticks her arms in the air. She puts them down and then growls.

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