Chapter 3

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W: "And she can sing so low that she moves objects! Show her how you make things float."
She sings in a really low pitch. The tables and chairs start to float and some other kid climbs them. I knew I had seen this before. I look over at Ojo's iPad and saw the picture already done and she wasn't even facing him. A Capella drops the chairs on the ground.
W: "All righty, let's see who's left. That's Blinding Fast's kid, Slo-Mo. He's actually moving very fast, but somehow his powers have him stuck in a time warp."
I wave and he says hi back.
W: "That kid over there-"
??: "Two packs of candy for crossing our eyes."
W: "Is Facemaker."
N: "Okay"
Noodles goes first and he does a pretty good job.
N: "Beat that!"
W: "He makes the craziest faces."
His eyes literally switch places and I turn my head.
W: "You okay?"
Y/n: "Yeah just a little uncomfortable but I'm fine."
N: "It's impossible!"
FM: "I can even change my face to look!"
He changes his face and he looks exactly like Noodles. My jaw drops and so does Noodles.
N: "He's cheating! I can't compete with that!"
Noodles hand gets huge and he smashes the table.
Y/n: "Noodles!"
W: "Oh, dude! Rewind, clean up on aisle two."
I look over and a really cute boy, I think his name is Rewind, comes over.
W: "That's Rewind. He can rewind time but just a few seconds."
He rewinds the time just enough.
They move the table and replace it with an exercise ball. Noodles smashes the ball and Facemaker goes flying across the room and grabs a rope so he doesn't fall.
W: "They're twins. It's crazy, right?"
Y/n: "wait what twins? What are you even talking about?"
W: "Fast Foward, are you at it again?"
Fast Foward=FF
FF: "You we're taking so long, I skipped you foward a bit. Sorry not sorry."
W: "She and Rewind are twins. Opposite powers. The only thing they agree on is they don't like each other."
R & FF: "At All."
They look at each other like they're mad.
W: "They're twins. It's crazy, right?"
Y/n: "But you already said- never mind"
R: "What's your name?"
Y/n: "I'm Y/n."
R: "Nice to meet you."
Y/n: "Nice to meet you too."
W:  "And then, there's our fearless leader, Wild Card. There's not a single power in the world he doesn't have."
WC: "True."
FM: "Sure, he has every power imaginable, but since he can't focus his energy, they show up randomly."
WC: "Also true...until now that is. TELEPORT!"
The book sets on fire. I knew he was the cocky one right away.
Y/n: "I guess nows not the time"
Rewind laughs at my joke but Wildcard looks at him and he shuts up.
All of a sudden I see a fire truck made of water fly over.
W: "And last, but definitely not least, Guppy."
I turn and see the girl from earlier and it's like she's controlling the water.
Y/n: "How are you making that?"
G: "My mommy is Lavagirl, but my daddy is Sharkboy. So instead of lava, I move water."
She drops the water on the fire and it goes out.
G: "I need hydration for my powers to work."
She makes a shark and has the shark eat a swimmer.
Y/n: "That's really cool."
She laughs.
G: "Thanks."
WC: "So new girl, what's your superpower?"
Y/n: "Yeah so um with the whole 'powers' thing-"
FM: "Wait a second. I remember you. You're Marcus Moreno's kid."
Y/n: "The one and only, but my dad hasn't gone on any missions for a while, so I've been chilling with the normal kids."
WC: "Why would they put a kid with superpowers in with the normal kids?"
I look at him like he's dumb.
WC: "Oh I get it. You don't have any powers."
W: "You're powerless?!"
Y/n: "Whatever. Can we put on the TV? I want to see if there's any news about our parents."
Rewind comes and sits by me.
R: "Don't worry about Wildcard. He's just annoying sometimes."
Y/n: "It's fine I guess. The truth hurts."
R: "Tell me something you're good at."
Y/n: "I'm not good at anything."
R: "Well you have to be good at something."
Y/n: "I mean my dad taught me to fight a little bit but that's it."
R: "See you are good at something"
He smiles at me and I smile back and Wheels lets down the TV.

Slick's Dojo
They finally met! Sorry it's so long
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