Chapter 17

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Y/n's POV:
Y/n: "Everyone spread out! Slow-mo, attack! Guppy, waterslide!"
I get ready to fight. Slow-mo runs past me slowly. I push him forward.
Y/n: "You're gonna have to go a little faster."
R: "Hey, only speed up Slo-mo."
FF: "How?"
R: "I'll help you. Together."
They start mixing the time together to where it only speeds up Slo-mo. Slo-mo starts fighting the monster really fast. I turn around and look at the twins then back at Slo-mo.
Wildcard's POV:
MG: "Attack!"
One guard runs at me.
WC: "Flight."
I start floating into the air.
Another guard comes. I stop him.
WC: "Shape-shift!"
I change into a bowling ball and land on his foot. He screams in pain. I stand back up.
WC: "Electricity fingers."
I zap the guard that's behind me. Another guard comes running towards me and I zap him. The last guard comes running towards me and I zap him. I zap the guard who's foot I dropped on one more time. That just left Granada.
WC: "And my personal fave...the freeze ray."
I point my finger at her and she starts to freeze over.
Guppy runs up and sprays water at one alien and he starts to slide everywhere.
G: "I'm running out of water."
Y/n: "Guppy, make ninja stars."
She starts creating ninja stars.
Y/n: "Noodles, slingshot!"
N: "Hold my leg!"
Facemaker grabs his leg as he reaches his arms out and creates a slingshot.
Y/n: "Somebody help me pull Noodles."
Slo-mo comes over and helps me pull Noodles back. I let go and Slo-mo keeps holding on. I walk back to where I was and duck. Rewind and Fast Forward duck as Guppy finishes her ninja stars. She throws them over and Slo-mo let's go of Noodles. The ninja stars pin two aliens up against the wall. We all cheer. Ojo looks at us mad. Guppy starts to make the aliens slide on water again.
G: "I'm out. I need water."
W: "Hey Guppy. This whole thing is covered in liquid metal. Liquid!"
G: "Oh!"
She runs over to the pyramid and puts her finger on it. She holds her finger up to her face. She takes her sunglasses off and smiles really big. She starts pulling more liquid metal from the pyramid and creates a huge shark. She sticks her arms in the air excitedly. She starts stepping up the shark and sits down. I turn around and see the shark flying and her riding it with one arm up.
Y/n: "Woah!"
She goes up to two aliens and bites down, making the shark bite the two aliens. We all cheer again. She hops off the shark and it jumps into the void. That's the last of the aliens.
G: "Go! Yes!"
O: "Not so fast."
She creates two more aliens. We have to lure them into the middle.
Y/n: "Noodles, make a tightrope."
He throws his arm across one of the spaces.
Y/n: "Somebody go on to the center and draw them in."
Everyone just looks around.
Y/n: "No wait! I have to do this. I can do this."
Rewind runs up to my and grabs both of my arms.
R: "Y/n look at me. Don't do it! I'll go do it for you."
Y/n: "No. You've done enough. Everybody has done enough. I haven't. I have no powers. The least I can do is risk my life. But you have to promise me you won't rewind time."
R: "But-"
Y/n: "No buts. I'm scared too but you gotta promise me that you won't rewind ok."
He hesitated.
R: "Promise..."
He hugs me around my neck and I wrap my arms around his waist tightly.
Y/n: "I'm gonna be ok. If it does go wrong I love you."
R: "I love you too."
We let go and I walk up to the tightrope. I start to walk out onto the tightrope.

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