Chapter 11

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Y/n: "Look, there's the supply ship. Just like Ojo's drawing!"
We see the aliens walking in the grass.
E: "Eww, gross!"
Y/n: "Keep it down. Wait. Wait a second. Let's go."
We all take off running towards the supply ship as fast as we can. We get inside and Wheels starts doing a head count.
Y/n: "Now shut the door and let's get the heck out of here. Wheels can you-"
W: "No! We're not all here!"
FF: "What! Who's missing?"
We all look at her.
FF: "Oh."
Of course it's Slo-mo. We all turn to see him running super slow.
WC: "Slo-mo! Cut it out! Run!"
The aliens look at us.
G: "Hurry! They're coming back!"
FM: "Ten to one says he's tentacled."
Y/n & W: "Dude!"
Y/n: "What's up with you and odds?!"
R: "Come on Slo-mo!"
A Capella starts singing Chariots of Fire.
We all continue to encourage Slo-mo to speed up. He's not getting any faster.
The aliens are getting really close to him too.
Y/n: "Noodles!"
N: "All right, hold me down!"
He reaches his arm out and grabs Slo-mo and pulls him in. He gets inside just in time.
W: "Yes!"
Wheels presses a button and right as the door shuts the alien hits the door. I jump into Rewind.
Y/n: "Wheels, please tell me you figured this out!"
W: "It's actually incredibly intuitive."
He presses another button and a shield goes around the outside of the ship. It starts to shake like crazy and Rewind grabs me.
Y/n: "Please just choose any button!"
W: "It might be one of these."
He clicks another and the shield goes down and the ship stops shaking. The aliens hit the glass and it starts to crack. We all scream. Guppy runs up and clicks a red button that lifts us off the ground. We start floating into space towards the mother ship.
N: "But now what?"
Y/n: "Don't worry. Any minute now, Ojo's gonna draw a picture of all of us smiling and hugging our parents. Isn't that right Ojo?"
She shakes her head at me.
N: "Oh that's just great."
It makes me feel bad because I got us into this mess and it might not have a great ending. Wildcard walks over to me.
WC: "Hey. Why did you choose me to share the idea of looking at Ojo's iPad?"
Y/n: "I don't know. I guess I know how hard it feels when everyone expects so much from you, and you feel like you can't deliver."
WC: "Do you believe I can?"
Y/n: "We all believe you can."
WC: "Tell that to my parents."
Y/n: "I will, right after we rescue them."
Wildcard walks away to got talk to Noodles.
Rewind comes and puts his arm over my shoulder.
R: "You ok? You seem stressed."
Y/n: "Yeah I'm fine."
R: "Y/n. Tell me the truth."
Y/n: "Fine. I feel like if anything bad happens it's gonna be my fault."
R: "I'm pretty sure it is."
I hit him in the arm.
R: "I'm kidding. It doesn't matter. I think we're definitely capable of saving our parents. Especially you."
Y/n: "Me? Now way."
R: "That's all you do. Doubt yourself."
Y/n: "Do not."
R: "Do too."
Y/n: "Do not."
FF: "What are you guys arguing about?"
R: "Y/n says she never doubts herself."
Y/n: "Cause I don't."
FF: " always say 'Me? No way'"
Y/n: "Me? No......way..... ok you're right."
R: "You gotta stop that."
FF: "Rewind can I see you for a minute?"
R: "Yeah."
Rewind's POV:
Fast forward pulled me to the other side of the ship.
FF: "You like her."
R: "Who?"
FF: "Y/n"
R: "Who me? Nah. No way."
She looks at me with a smirk.
R: "Fine. I do."
FF: "Well you have to make a move!"
R: "I may have already did that...."
FF: "What?!"
R: "We kissed. Ok. Don't tell anyone."
FF: "When?!"
R: "When I went to check on her after I got knocked out. We wrestled and she technically kissed me."
FF: "And you rewinded it?"
R: "Maybe."
FF: "Well I'll leave you alone now."
R: "Ok?"
Should I have told Fast Forward?

We land inside the mother ship around other smaller ships.
N: "I'm gonna go check it out."
Noodles stretches his neck out to make sure the coast was clear. He comes back.
N: "We're all good."
We all walk out and I'm holding Guppy's hand.
G: "Am I just really small, or is this ship really big?"
R: "It's enormous!"
FF: "Yeah, how are we gonna find our parents?"
W: "I was thinking about that. Miss Granada found us really easily back at grandma's house, and I think I know how. Your bracelet."
I look down at it. He takes it off my wrist.
Y/n: "Aye careful with that. I haven't been able to contact my dad."
W: "But maybe the transmitter in here that connects the two bracelets works like a tracking device. But I need a pair of pliers and a heat source."
G: "My teeth are strong because my dad's a shark."
She chomps.
W: "Perfect."
WC: "And I've got a heat source. Heat vision!"
He turns into a toaster and we all look down.
FM: "Now he's a toaster."
Noodles picks the toaster up and toast pops up.
W: "Close enough."

Slick's Dojo
Back at school 👍🏿🥲

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