Chapter 10

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He just kept rewinding it.
Y/n: "Rewind!"
R: "Sorry! I liked it."
Y/n: "I did too."
I got off of him and lay beside him looking at the sky. He grabs my hand and rolls on his side.
R: "Why have you never came to the stronghold before?"
Y/n: "My dad hasn't gone on any missions. But I'm actually kind of happy he did this time."
R: "Aren't we supposed to be saving them right now."
Y/n: "I'd rather be here with you."
W: "Rewind, Y/n, Better come quick!"

He stood up and helped me up.

R: "Our time is up."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the training grounds.

AB: "They sure found you fast!"

FM: "They wanna take us back to headquarters."

Y/n: "Well too bad, we got a world to save."

Abuelita clicks a button on her can that reveals a secret tunnel that we could take to escape. 

AB: "Go through this tunnel. I'll hold them off. Go go go go go!"

Y/n: "I wish you could come with us."

AB: "Hug me, as if it's for the last time."

Y/n: "Hey it won't be. I promise."

AB: "That's my girl. Stay close to Rewind cause he'll protect you!"

Y/n: "You saw didn't you!"

AB: "Don't worry! I won't tell your dad, but you're gonna have to eventually."

I just scoff.

AB: "Go go go go go!"

I slide down into the tunnel and Rewind and Noodles help me off. 

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