Chapter 7

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MG: "Seal the doors"
We run into the Heroics stronghold lobby and a gate comes up.
G: "We're in trouble."
We run the other way but guards surround us.
Y/n: "That was our only exit!"
WC: "Not our only one."
He points up to a hatch in the roof.
FF: "Are you insane?! How are we supposed to get up there?"
I remembered something from earlier.
Y/n: "A Capella? You made furniture float. Can you do the same with people?"
A: "To go up high, I have to sing very 🎶loooooow🎶"
The guards start to float and make a staircase of....people.
WC: "Climb as fast as you can!"
We all start to climb up.
WC: "Noodles, open up the hatch."
He opens the hatch and we all climb up.
Y/n: "Don't let them follow us!"
A: 🎶Adios🎶
They all fall to the ground but they're ok because we put cushions there.
WC: "Noodles, the access cards!"
Noodles slides the cards and the train doors open."
We all sit down in relief.
FF: "We did it."
Y/n: "Yeah, we did it."
W: "But the tram will only take us to just outside of the force field, then they'll catch us for sure. Look! They're already mobilizing!"
I see the guards lining up to get us right outside of the force field.
Y/n: "Brace yourselves!"
We all grab something. I held onto a pole and Rewinds hand.
Y/n: "You too Guppy."
She grabs the pole with her shark strength.
WC: "A Capella, make us fly."
A Capella starts singing and her eyes start to glow yellow. We get off the ground and we all cheer. She starts crossing her arms and makes like a steering wheel.
Y/n: "She can't steer! We're gonna crash into that building!"
W: "We need to change directions!"
We all look at Noodles.
N: "I'm on it!"
He smashes the window then grabs the pole and jumps out of the window and grabs a light pole. We start spinning around and his hand starts slipping.
Y/n: "Help him out!"
Fast Forward and Facemaker grab his hand. He lets go and grabs the window. Rewind and I grab his hand and look out the window. Rewind smiles and gives him a thumbs up. I elbow him. Noodles lets go of the light pole and we flew up and into the sky in a different direction. Noodles flies back up to us. Facemaker makes a face at the guards on the ground.
I sit down next to Rewind and lay my head on his shoulder.
WC: "Well...that was a disaster."
R: "That was awesome."
N: "I'm so exhausted."
E: "WOAH!"
We all start screaming.
A: "Guys....I'm running....out of...."
WC: "Breath! We get it."
FM: "What do we do?"
N: "Don't look at me. I'm done."
W: "We need to find someplace to hide."
FF: "The Heroics are all locked in the alien ship."
Y/n: "Not all of them."
WC: "You know this how?"
I walk over to Wheels and wave
A Capella over.
Y/n: "Do you think you can get us over to here?"
She nods and her pitch rises.
Y/n: "Okay! Okay! Okay!"
WC: "What's over there that's so important?"
Y/n: "Well, you see, my-"
We drop again.
W: "Okay, this is bad. This is really really bad."
FM: "Five to one says we die a fiery death."
N: "You're on!"
Y/n: "You can do it A Capella."
W: "Come on, a little more."
She stops and coughs.
A: "Does anyone have a lozenge?"
Guppy slaps her forehead.
Y/n: "Hang on!"
We all scream!

We hit the ground and crash into a gazebo.
??: "AHHHHHH! MY BEGONIAS! Get out of my flower bed, you little...termites!
Y/n: "Hi, Abuelita!"
AB: "Ah, Y/n! Come and say hello to your grandma!"
N: "No way! Y/n, your grandmother's Anita Moreno?"
R: "The trainer of the Heroics?"
Y/n: "No! She's just some random person I've never heard of. Duhhhhhh, I'm a Moreno aren't I?"
FM: "She's a legend."
AB: "No you have to be dead to be a legend honey. Oh, mi amor."
I give her a hug.
AB: "I'm alive and well, which is more than I can say for my gazebo, hmm."
A: "Sorry"
Y/n: "We're in trouble Grandma and we need a place to hide."
AB: "To hide? You're gonna need to do a lot more than that. That thing is moving into position."
W: "She's right. We only have 2 hours left. Won't be long now until the takeover begins."
AB: "Everybody get inside. Come, come. Come."

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