The Moment of Truth

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Author: Before we begin I want to apologize for the long wait. I know I have not been very consistent with my uploads and I have read every comment telling me that is okay to take my time and the ones telling me to hurry the fuck up which I appreciate. So to compensate for these long gaps of waiting, I will focus on finishing this story and the pokemon instead of working on three at the same time. That was a dumb decision on my part.

Also here is some art I made, I hope you like it.

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Midoriya: It's yours! Your Quirk! Not his!!

You watched in awe through the monitor as Midoriya motivated his opponent to utilize the powers he had refused to use.

The tournament's second round already started a moment ago. Apart from the awkward battle between you and Iida, nothing much has happened, Which will start right after the current one with Deku vs. Todoroki concludes.

Iida: Yes! I understand. I'll make sure to make you proud... *hangs up* sorry about that; I didn't bother you, did I?

Y/n: Not at all. Who were you talking to just now?

Iida: My older brother. He wanted to wish me luck before the match.

Oh, yeah. Iida's older brother is Ingenium. I forgot how surprised I was when I found that out.

It sucked that you two were forced to wait in the breakroom while all the exciting stuff was happening outside. Yeah, you have a t.v, but it is not the same as cheering your friend in person.

Iida: you also mentioned having an older sibling, right? She must also be watching you now on T.V.

Y/n: Yeah, maybe. She is also a busy person, so I'm not sure.

You realize that this is the first time you have had a conversation with Iida. It is strange, but it is also a way to kill the tension between the two before the fight.

Iida: You better go all out if you want to make her proud.

You gave him a reassuring nod. It is nice to have something you can relate to with Iida.












Meanwhile, in Hosu City.

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