The Tournament.

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Y/n: huff huff! *pant* 94... *pant* 95...

You were in your room training for hours now. Then you hear someone knock on your door.

Knock knock

Mom: Hey (Y/n) are you, okay sweety? You've been in there for a while now. You haven't eaten your breakfast yet.

Y/n: I already eat a banana! I'm fine!

Mom: oh... Look your father and I have to go to work now so make sure you eat a proper meal, okay?

Y/n:... Yeah sure...

She walked away and on her way, she noticed the thermostat was turned off.

"Who keeps turning off the air conditioning? We are in the middle of summer."

She said as she turns the AC back on.

You were inside your room for so long that your parents started to worry about you.

But you told them that you were just exercising. They did not see anything wrong with that at first, but when you began to get isolate yourself for hours, they, of course, began to worry about you.

You can hear your arms making some weird cracking sounds but you kept going.

Y/n: one... hundred!!!

Then you collapse on the ground but waste no time and immediately get up to do one hundred squats.




Flashback ends.

We cutaway back to the present. You and your friends, Ochako and Iida, eating in the cafeteria.

But you barely touched your food. You are too distracted thinking about somethings from your past.

So to clear up your mind, you decide to go out for a walk around the school.

Y/n: I gotta go to the bathroom. Excuse me.

Ochako: no problem.

Iida: please come back on time. The tournament will continue soon.

You nod.

Y/n: I won't take that long.

On your way there you encounter someone who you didn't expect, Todoroki.

You do not make eye contact and walked passed each other like he was not there.

He did the same at first but then he turns around and calls out to you.

Todoroki: you...

You reluctantly stopped and l look at him with the corner of your eye.

Todoroki: I don't know how you did it. But thanks for saving me.

You raised your eyebrow. When did you exactly save this guy?

Y/n: what are you talking about?

Todoroki: you might not believe me but, the truth is that I can't remember what happened back there.

You get a little bit more intrigued so you continue to listen.

Todoroki: my memory was cut off abruptly before the Calvary battle and regain consciousness the last few minutes. That's how I managed to pass.

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