The Sports Festival

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Before the great event started, every single one of the class 1-A trained themselves in their own ways.

Some trained their minds, others their physical capabilities.

And before you notice, those two weeks of training flew by in a flash.

That morning, you get a shower and eat plenty of food really fast before going to U.A.

As you put on your shoes, your parents, who are still at the dinner table, say goodbye to you.

Y/n: Mom! Dad! I'm off!

She runs up to give you a big hug before you leave.

Mom: Good luck (Y/n)!

Dad: Well make sure to see you on T.V. giving your all.

You smile at them and head out while you wave goodbye to them.

Y/n: Hehe. Thank you! I won't disappoint you!

Mom: we know you won't. But just make sure you do your best.

You nodded and headed your way to U.A. After they both gave you a big hug.

Once you arrive there, the first thing that stands out for you is the press outside of the school. They weren't letting them throughout the gate since security got reinforced because of what happened last time.

You somehow managed to pass through the crowd and enter the school and immediately headed your way to the changing room.

"Wow! People are sure excited about this year's festival. Is it like this every time?"

You think to yourself on your way.

"No... It is probably because they know what happened at U.S.J... The press can't see something controversial and just let it slide."

Once you arrive at the changing room you found the rest of your class there in the same blue uniforms.

They all turn around for a moment to look at you but they react indifferently towards you and go back to chatting and preparing for the event.

Except for a select group of people.

Ochako: (Y/n)! You are finally here!

Midoriya: we were just wondering where you been!

You see both of your friends in a corner and they didn't show any signs of shame to be so loud and friendly.

Y/n: Sorry about that. The people outside really are making it hard to enter school.

Midoriya: You are right!

Ochako: I hear you, I even had to use my quirk to enter.

You chuckled.

Y/n: where is Iida by the way?

Ochako: Oh! He is off doing something, he won't take long to come back.

Y/n: I see. Well, I'll go change in the meantime.

You go to your locker and grabbed your uniform that was exactly what everyone else was wearing. You go change to a separate room and come back with the blue uniform with white and red stripes on it.

Y/n: Fits really well, although I would prefer to use my costume.

You say to them as you remember what happened to your costume. It got destroyed in that last confrontation that you had weeks ago.

Midoriya: I heard that they are not allowed because it could give you an advantage in the games.

Ochako: Oh! I see! That makes a lot of sense.

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