Finish line

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The robot blew up into a million pieces. I stayed suspended in the air for a few seconds until I started to fall.

"I think I should have thought this through before I jumped"

Y/n: oh, Crap~!!

The landing was not as smooth as I planned so I ended up crashing on the floor.

That stunt, however, makes a pathway for me to pass. This comes with a side effect, the others have now a path to walk through.

I get up from the dirt, trying to shrug off the pain that you are feeling from falling from the sky.

Not only that, but I also got to work up that I used too much of my energy on just that one robot but I still have stamina spare.

Y/n: You are not going anywhere!

You scream as you try to catch up with your rival.

Present mic: (Y/n) (L/n)!

Quirk: Super strength!??

Just like the name implies, his physical capabilities are beyond the normal, this can become with a side effect of miscalculating his strength.

As you do, a bunch of robots tried to block your way but you avoid them with ease by jumping, sprinting, and of course, punching them.

You look up and noticed Bakugo starting to get ahead of you. He was using a new move that you have never seen before.

He was using the explosions from his palms to propel himself through the air. Impressive

But not only he is going all out. All the others are behind are using their quirks n their own creative way to pass-through the robots.

"I underestimated everyone..."

You lock on back on your objective, Todoroki.

Y/n & Bakugo: Get back here!!!

You and Bakugo exchange looks.

Bakugo: Don't get in my way you arrogant **shole!!!

He tries to blow you out of the race by attacking you from the side but you react fast enough and dodge the attack.

Y/n: You are still on with that!?

This only caused that Todoroki gets more difficult to reach. You don't want to attack another classmate because you are afraid that he might get too injured and you could get disqualified from the race... but Bakugo sure is making you have second thoughts.

Present Mic: Incredible! It seems that both students from class 1-A are clearing the first obstacle with ease, but it doesn't seem like they are putting that much attention to the robots with set up for them!!

You both attack each other but all of those punches and explosions are going indirectly to the smaller robots that you are supposed to fighting against.

Soon enough, you reach the next obstacle, and both stop on your tracks and stare to a giant pit in front of you.

"I can't see the bottom... What if someone falls down!?"

Present Mic: it seems that the first obstacle was really easy but lest see how you feel about the second one! Say hi to the 'The Fall"!!

This wouldn't be a problem if Bakugo wasn't interrupting you.

You look ahead and see Todoroki already made it halfway to the other side.

Y/n: Crap!!

You think quickly and started to hop on top of the stone pillars that are connected by tightropes.

We need a hero(Momo Yaoyorozu x Male reader.)Where stories live. Discover now