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Momo's Pov.

Two days had passed since the sports festival, and our regular classes began again.

And it wasn't uncommon for us to be recognized publicly. I even had to avoid the route I usually take to school to prevent being bombarded with questions by a bunch of strangers and reporters. I'll admit that It was kind of amusing the first time it happened, but now it is more of a nuisance.

I get tired before I even enter school and start the day.

Oh, and another thing of note: It's raining today.

At U.A

Hagakure: I got so embarrassed; everyone stared intently at me!

Kaminari: Yeah, me too!

Ashido: U.A Is so cool!

The class is energetic today, and while that's not out of the ordinary, it was more noticeable today. Kaminari, Ashido, and Hagakure are among the class by far the most enthusiastic.

Momo: It looks like I wasn't the only one who got recognized.

I say to myself as I sit down. And while everyone else is busy talking amongst themselves, I take out my notebooks and utensils.

Something which had been a habit of mine has always been arriving at school minutes earlier and getting my learning tools on my desk, ready to be used as soon as the teacher begins lecturing. Not because of the feeling of neatness or readiness, though that's also a contributing factor.

I don't know why nor remember when I started doing it. I try to think back to a moment where this weird habit of mine could have begun but to no avail.

I initially thought it might have come from my mother; maybe she is the one who taught me to always be punctual and organized, as ladylike as possible.

I decided to ask her one day, actually, but to my disappointment, she did not have an answer either to my odd question.

But it wasn't because she couldn't also remember. Instead, she said that I have "always been like this" and that I must've got it from her.

Although, when she told me that, we were having family dinner, my father got defensive and began saying things like I inherited all my good traits from him, to which my mother disagreed.

They spent a long time arguing that they had forgotten to finish their dinner; It was quite a fun evening.

Momo: *sigh* why am I even thinking about this now?

I say to myself while rubbing my eyes as I let an embarrassed sigh. Maybe I should talk more to the girls in the class to keep my mind off weird thoughts like this.

Huh! Now that I think about it. Getting closer to my female classmates would be a great idea! Who wouldn't want more people around them to read together?

I think to myself.

I should also get to know more about Ochako Uraraka

I get along well with Jiro and have gotten closer with Mina and Asui lately, so there is no reason why I shouldn't do the same with Ochako, too, since she is the only girl I have least talked to in the hero course, and I want to change that.

Maybe we could even hold a party together at my place. Or we could even help with each other's homework!

Aizawa: All right, settle down, everyone.

Upon hearing the tired voice of our professor as he entered the room, the entire class went dead silent.

Oh, it's mister Aizawa! And he is not wearing any bandages.

We need a hero(Momo Yaoyorozu x Male reader.)Where stories live. Discover now