Entrance exam.

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February 26th: The day has come for the entrance exams and your fist step to becoming a hero, the U.A high school hero course.

It was really early in the morning you alarm wake you up, you go to the bathroom, take a bath, got changed, wash your teeth, eat breakfast and got ready for the exam.

Y/n: thanks mom, the eggs were delicious.

You said to your mother who was eating with you and your father.

Mom: A good breakfast is what you need to start the morning.

You take your plate and wash it on the sink.

Dad: I'm off to work, good luck on the exam son.

Y/n: thanks dad!! Bye!

Mom: by honey.

"But hopefully I won't need it"

He leaves and you stay there with your mother.

Mom:oh! I forgot to tell you (Y/n)! But Sophie call yesterday, she said "please don't cry if you don't pass."

You grunted at how little faith does your big sister have on you.

Y/n: ha ha, really funny.

Mom: hehehe, don't let her get on you. You know she actually loves you, right?

You cringed at the thought of that.

Y/n: yeah yeah whatever.

Your sister was a really famous pro heroe, heroes were well known but she was almost at the level of All might.

But because of her work as a hero she is rarely in the house.

Y/n: Anyway, I'm ready to go.

Your mother took you to where the entrance exam was going to be taken.

Mom: I wish you the best, sweetie.

Y/n: Thanks, see ya.

You waved goodbye and she tooks off, you look around and saw that you were one of the first ones to arrive early.

Y/n: you better prepare your ass U.A....

You stood in front of the giant U.A high school entrance site.

Y/n:..... because I am here.

You walk in really epic. It was a long pain in the ass time but you were finally going to prove all of this people wrong.

You entered a auditorium and eventually more students of all different schools started entering until it was full.

Then the voice hero. Present Mic entered the auditorium

You recognize him almost immediately not just because of his flamboyant arterie and personality but also because you memorized a lot of the pro heroes as a kid.

Present mic: welcome to today's live performance!!! Everyone say " hey"!!

There was complete silence from the audience.

Y/n: h-hey~

You raise your voice a little and a lot of people look at you weirdly but you could hear some people chuckling too.

Present mic: That's the spirit!! My listener!!

He then proceeded to tell the rules of the of the test will go. There is basically 4 types of villains robots, the stronger the robot the most points you take, and is absolutely prohibited to attack other students.

"Souns easy enough"

Then a student standed up from his seat complaining that one of the robots in the handout had zero points.

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