Why a hero?

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Author: Sorry for the huge delay, I have been really sick lately and that's why I haven't been able to post anything recently but I'm okay now..... No one cares right? Well, whatever here's the new chapter.

Also, props for every NNN survivor out there! You are the real heroes of this story.


The Nomu kept punching over and over again. Each time the pain becomes more unbearable and you fall to the ground.

You tried to catch air but every time you take a breath you feel like a bunch of razor blades are cutting inside your lungs.

You look up and you see the Nomu getting closer to your face and it spoke to you in an ominous blood-curdling deep voice.

Nomu: You are a coward.

You open your eyes and wake up with a cold sweat. You sit up and look around to realize that you are in your room.

Y/n: a nightmare..*heavy breathing* it was... Just a nightmare.

You wipe off the sweat from your face relieved that nothing was real.

But now a thought was bothering you.

Y/n: How could I have felt scared... I'm supposed to be better than that...

Now the guilt of not being of much help at the U.S.J incident was bothering you, but also the guilt of when weren't even one hundred percent committed to risk your life for your friends.

'Even when they said it was okay... I still can't forgive myself for thinking about myself first"

Y/n: *Sigh* I need some sleep.

You let yourself fall on the bed again and try to go back to sleep.

It was difficult but your eyes slowly got heavier and eventually, you fall rest until the next day.

Time skip: the next morning.

You walk down the hallway of the U.A, looking down at the floor, you barely got any sleep the previous night.

But you still can't take your mind out of that nightmare that you had last night.

"Midoriya and the others said that I did everything I could... But even then-."

But then a familiar voice interrupted your thoughts.

Ochako: Hey (Y/n)!

They turn around and saw Ochako and Midoriya down the hallway waiving to you.

Midoriya: Good morning, (Y/n)!

Ochako: You look like you're doing better now!

Just when you were thinking about them, they appeared. You put on a fake smile and say hi to them.

Y/n: yeah, thanks.

You were trying to look happy because you don't want to trouble them with your personal problems.

Before class starts you all joined in a group and decided to chat for a while since classes wouldn't start until a few more minutes, which meant that a lot of students are still not there.

We need a hero(Momo Yaoyorozu x Male reader.)Where stories live. Discover now