Can I become a hero?

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A 6 year old kid watching T.V hopping around in a yellow cape was watching the news reports of another feat of the number one hero, All might.

Y/n: Mommy! Why is daddy not here yet? He is going to miss it!

Mom: calm down (Y/n) , he said he was coming back soon.

The mother tried to calm down his hyperactive son while she prepared some snacks in the kitchen.

Eventually his father's car arrived and his father come back home.

Dad: I'm back!

Mom: welcome back honey, you are just back in time.

Y/n: Daddy!!

The little kid name (Y/n) immediately go hug his dad and the father lift him up to give him a hug.

Dad: how you doing champ!

He put him back in the floor.

Y/n: come on! We are going to miss it!

He takes his father's hand to dragging him to the living room.

Dad: I'm going, I'm going.

The three members of the family sit down to watch the news, All might have fight another villain that attempted to disturb peace and the number one hero saved a lot of people.

All might: Ha ha ha ha, fear no more citizens, because I am here!

Y/n: Ha ha ha ha!

The kid laughed along with the hero trying to mimicking him.

Mom: *giggles* All might save the day once again.

Y/n: Yeah, when I grow up and get my quirk I want to be like him and Sophie!

The kid said to his parents, he always loved the super heroes because they are cool but also because his sister is a prohero.

Dad: Haha, sure champ, but remember what I told you: you need to be your own self.

Y/n:..... I know, And I still don't understand what you mean, Ha ha ha ha.

The kid laughed as his dad dropped down his head disappointed, his wife grabbed his hand in comfort.

Mom: he still a kid so he will understand one day in the future.

They both keep watching the news as the little kid was fill of excitement and motivation every second.

The next day you visited the doctor with both your mother and father.

Doctor: sorry kid, not happening.

Your dreams crumbled into a pile of trash that got eaten by a dog and then the dog puked out and that was now your dreams and ambitions.

Mom: why doctor?

Doctor: how old is your son?

Mom: uh! 6 years old.

He gives each one a x-ray photography of your foot.

Doctor: as you can see, your son has a extra joint in his little toe.

Doctor: He should already developed a quirk but because this phenomenon in his feet is really rare it means that he would not have a quirk.

Dad: is that so.

Doctor: what kind of quirks do you both have? If I may ask.

Dad: I don't have a quirk.

Mom: I can tell the time without looking at a clock. Hehe

She scratched her head embarrassed.

The doctor looks at you biting down your lips.

We need a hero(Momo Yaoyorozu x Male reader.)Where stories live. Discover now