Calvary Battle

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Meanwhile in Hosuh.

The hype does not seem to die any time soon. Everyone around the world is infatuated with the new younger generation of heroes.

Every screen possible has a live feed of what is going on and every man, woman, and children can't get away from it.

Even some heroes.

Sophie: *crunch*

A hooded girl on top of a rooftop watches a live video on her phone while enjoying some chips

Then someone else arrived. Is another hero from Ingenium's hero agency.

Hero: Spiegel! How long are going to goof off!? this is not the time to...

Sophie: shush!

The girl said to his partner.

Hero: don't you dare to shush me! You know, you have been acting differently since we got to Hosuh. And I don't like it.

Sophie: I would love to talk but please keep it down! I'm watching my little brother in a tournament!

Her partner was surprised.

Hero: "brother"? Isn't that (Y/n) you always talk about?

She turns around and looks at his partner.

Sophie: yep! That's the one!

Hero: well, but make it quick! We got other responsibilities!

Sophie: got it!

She gives him the thumbs up before leaving her alone.

"You have improved a lot since we last saw each other, haven't you? But I'm afraid you still are a dumb kid, (Y/n)."

She thinks to herself as she watches you stumble around in the middle of the race and working yourself to the finish line. Until eventually she is forced herself to leave it at a cliffhanger.

Hero: Spiegel!!

Sophie: oh jeez! What? I was getting to the best part...

Hero: I think we found him!!

She was kept in silence for a moment but immediately came back to reality.

They have been looking for someone, a villain, who is lurking around the city of Hosuh for a while now. Is the main reason why she is there in the first place.

Spiegel-girl: is that so! All right let's get to work!! Lead me to where he is!

She puts on her mask and follows behind her partner to find the hero killer... Stain.




Back to you.

The new team of yours is composed of Iida, Kaminari, and Momo. Even if you don't like it is not possible to go now.

Iida: we are running out of time! Any ideas everyone?

The Calvary battle will last only 15 minutes. It doesn't seem like much, but in a world where people can have quirks a lot of things can happen in that short period.

"I can't think of anything but just to be the one who wears the bandanas"

Y/n: I'll hang on to the bandanas and will be aware of whoever tries to steal them. I'm strong so I will be fine.

Iida: great idea!

Kaminari: at least it wasn't me. But what about us then?

You sigh.

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