"Momo" is okay.

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Flashback: 2 Years ago.

Not so long after what happened with Endeavor, when he told you that you can't be a hero.

Your sister after hearing tat you all got attacked by villains, came back home as fast as she could.

She was comforting you with a hug after hearing what Endeavor told you.

Y/n:... Hey Sophie...

Sophie: what's wrong?

Y/n:..... How did you become a hero?


She stays silent for a moment.

Sophie: I worked for it, I worked my ass off day and night.

You chuckled a little.

Sophie: you are the one who decides if you become a hero or work the rest of your life at MacRonald's.

Now you laugh and so did she. She releases you from the hug and looks at you in the eyes which were red for crying a lot.

Sophie: also, don't let your efforts go to waste.

You wipe your tears off your face and give her a more confident smile.

"Cry will get me nowhere... I have to change my way to do things"

Y/n: Don't worry!... I promise... That one day I will become... The number one hero!

Present: third-person Pov.


Your face is burning so much from the attacks of Nomu, and Midoriya couldn't believe what he was watching.

Midoriya: Oh no...

Your mask was destroyed with one of Nomu's punch. Your face was exposed and it only showed despair and pain between all the blood running down from it.

"I can barely stand.... My face and my stomach hurts, they are burning like hell..."

This was horrible, like street fight... No, this isn't even a fight, it is a massacre.

You could hear someone screaming between all that, it wasn't Midoriya... It was someone familiar...

Uraraka: (Y/n)!!

It was faint, but you could figure out that it was Uraraka calling for you from behind you.

"Ochako... So you are okay?..."

She is at the same place where all of you got separated. It was far away so if she tried to come close the villains will notice and will take her out without second thought... Still.

You felt a little relieved, it wasn't for nothing what you did for her after all... When she was about to get absorbed by the dark villain.

But she didn't feel the same way, she is horrified. Uraraka couldn't believe that his friend was about to die.

Uraraka: Leave him alone!!

She tried to help but Ashido stopped her.

Ashido: Wait! Ochako, we can't do anything! We might just get more trouble! Please wait for the heroes!!

She tried to be strong and didn't go.

Tomura: That's enough, Nomu. Just kill this brat already.

The monster finally stopped beating your down and you fall on your back out of breath.

"I can't breathe...."

The Nomu then prepared to give you the final blow, it raises his foot and attempts to crush your head.

We need a hero(Momo Yaoyorozu x Male reader.)Where stories live. Discover now