Heroes vs Villains

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Author: something I drew at school, it doesn't have to do anything with the chapter.

Author: something I drew at school, it doesn't have to do anything with the chapter

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The next day:

Lida: Your tie is down again, and your jacket is unbuttoned.

Y/n: is not a big deal, come on.

Since Lida became the class rep, he took things more seriously and make sure that everyone followed the rules.

Just like right now, he adjusted your school uniform which you always lazily put on.

Izuku: Lida is really into the role, isn't he?

Said Midoriya with a awkward laugh as Lida was talking to other stu

Y/n: Yeah! Although I can't say he is not doing a bad job.

You were talking with Midoriya while sitting on Bakugo's desk.

He wasn't at school yet so you decided to talk to Midoriya in the meantime. Mainly because you didn't want to sit behind ponytail girl.

Bakugo: hey!! Get the fuck off my desk!!

Said Bakugo that just arrived to class or more like he screamed at you.

Midoriya at just being close to him look intimidated.

Y/n: relax man.

You stand up from his desk.

Bakugo: don't tell me what to do you arrogant asshole!!

Y/n: jeez, trying to calm you down is like trying to baptize a rabid cat.

You say nonchalantly, and everyone in the classroom try their best to hide their chuckles.

As you were about to go to your desk Bakugo puts his hand over your shoulder.

Bakugo: The fuck you said?

Y/n: did I touched a nerve?

You smirked in a teasing way which only pissed him off even more.

Midoriya: U-uh (Y/n) I think you might want to leave Kacchan alone.

Bakugo: You stay out of this you damn nerd!

Midoriya gets pale.

Bakugo: Let's take this outside right now!! I'll puch out that fucking smirk off your face!! I don't give a fuck!!!

Y/n: if you are that desperate to visit Recovery girl.

Bakugo: you are just scared because you know I'm the best!

Y/n: at being second.

If you memory doesn't fail you. You were in first place in the entrance exam beating Bakugo by one point.

He grabbed violenty to your collar but Lida stopped both of you.

Lida: Enough!! Both of you go back to your seats! This is not appropriate behavior!

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