Chapter 12: Welcoming Party

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Walking down the corridor, Bolar could not stop smiling to himself. He thought his life could not possibly get any better when he was elected as one of the official ambassadors representing the Seaside royal family. However, that position was given to him over a month ago and his head was only filled with the news which was informed to him yesterday night.

His wife had safely given birth to a healthy daughter!

As much as he wanted to stay with his family to take care of them for the time being, His Majesty requested his presence immediately in the early morning since he had some important matter to discuss with him.

Bolar did not know what was so important about this matter, but the courier who delivered the message right in the middle of the night said it was urgent.

As he reached the assembly hall, the guards stationed at the door immediately recognized him and opened the huge luxurious double door for him.

Inside, as usual, Bolar could find His Majesty sitting on his throne but it appeared the Queen would be absent from this meeting.

Like always, His Majesty Wallenstein wore a very common looking piece of attire as if he was about to head out and hunt for some animals. No jewelry, no fancy robe, no outfit that was made by the most talented tailor in Seaside, and not even a proper hair or clean face for a meeting. It was like he just got out of bed one minute ago. To be honest, there was a high possibility that His Majesty would go out to hunt once they would be finished with this meeting. Bolar then found out His Majesty was not the only important figure in this hall. There were three other individuals presented in this room.

They were their savior, Heroes, who were summoned to this land to serve and protect Seaside. For a meeting that involved the Heroes participation, he thought there would be all four of them.

"You must be wondering why Yuki isn't here? Am I correct?" A monotone voice called out to him from the trio standing in the middle of the room. The first ever woman who was summoned as a Hero, Tatiana, continued with her explanation, "Well, he is out doing extermination on a recent discovered wyvern den north of Pitturn."

"Pitturn? All the way up there?" Regarded how Tatiana guessed what he thought about the situation, he already knew that she could read people's minds. She explicitly revealed there were some drawbacks to this kind of power but didn't exactly say it in detail.

"Who knows?" Tatiana shrugged. "It's hard to keep him under control."

"Hmph, what a pain! He probably dragged his ass way up there just to focus on gaining experiences. A loner that hardly interacts with any of us!" The Hero who stood at the far left of the trio, Utnak Suppon, grumbled with great annoyance. "I wish death will wait for him at that wyvern den."

"That's... highly unlikely, Mr. Utnak," Tatiana stated. "Between the four of us, I must say he's the most well-rounded combatant and capable of handling any situation."

There was a clear hatred between Yuki and Utnak. In their first day of meeting each other, Yuki effortlessly beat Utnak until he was begging to spare his life on the ground. Utnak was the one who started the fight. Obviously, the prideful Utnak could not stand and took the humiliation because he boasted he was the strongest. As a result, Utnak always challenged Yuki to do something, even to the silliest thing like who will eat faster.

Bolar sneaked a smile at Tatiana's remark.

It was clever of her to compliment Yuki's fighting abilities rather than stating honestly of how Yuki was actually the strongest among them. Utnak would not take too kindly to that sort of straightforward statement.

"Now, now, we shouldn't make His Majesty wait for our little quarrel to end," the Hero standing in the middle of the group, Lika Findershield, immediately intervened in the conversation between the two. He turned around and bowed down toward His Majesty, "Now, if I may ask, Your Majesty, what's the purpose of summoning... most of the Heroes to meet you? Not to mention, your most favorite ambassador too... hmm, if I recall correctly, isn't it Mr. Bolar?"

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