Chapter 10: New Faces

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Sitting up on the bedside, Mason stared at his augmented screen for the past ten minutes, thinking about what he should do next to make out the best of his current situation. As far as he knew, everything on the screen reflected his ability to perform out in the field.

Two days ago, he was the only one who wiped out the entire army of High Orcs consisting of over five hundred of them. As a result of his mass killing, his level made another ridiculous jump to Level 103.

Does that mean all those goblins he killed back then didn't even scratch the number of experiences he earned when killing the High Orcs? Granted, the goblins were much easier to dispatch and there were only around fifty of them. When it came to the High Orcs, he had to call in two waves of air support so the huge disparity in experience earned was plausible. Not to mention, he reckoned the High Orc mage aka their supreme fanatic commander yielded him tons of experience too.

After fiddling around with the attribute points distribution, he was pretty much happy with the result. Since he never distributed the attributes point before, there were over three hundred of them in stock. It was a pain, but thank God the screen had some nifty feature to input the number of points he wanted for each of the attributes.

There were a total of seven attributes, each came with their own description: Strength, Perception, Agility, Intelligence, Endurance, Leadership, and Luck. With some knowledge about RPG games, he somewhat grasped what each attribute meant and how it will aid him in the near future. Sharing a resemblance to the SPECIAL system from the Fallout series, each of the attributes was pretty self explanatory.

Strength defined his physical ability. Anything from carrying weight to how strong he was would include in that attribute specific attribute. Agility was pretty much tied in his movement speed. The higher the attribute points it has, the faster his movement would become.Intelligence was somewhat confusing since how could it increase his own IQ? But apparently it was related to his magical power. The more attribute points it possessed, the more MP he had to cast and learn powerful magical spells. Endurance was basically his resistance against anything being thrown at him. Perception was rather interesting because it will help him to detect his surroundings more clearly, whether it would be sound, magical power, or a shift in the air. Basically increasing all of his five senses to the point of not being a human. Leadership was kind of familiar to charisma, so it would be only good for good bartering or persuasion. Luck was one of the trickiest attributes he had to understand. Increasing it would help other attributes, a better chance of hitting my target weak points, and better chance of finding better loot?

Huh, chance to hit target... yeah, he had no idea.

In the end, he went for the attributes which fit his combat style the most. Perception, Agility, and Intelligence, all three were pretty crucial when it came to detecting enemy presences and firing his weapons, so those three got the most points. Strength, Endurance, and Luck got some points since he thought they wouldn't be that important since he was already fit enough. Also, he had no problem carrying all those gears from before. Leadership, well, it was basically useless because he didn't need to persuade anybody at this point.

All of the sudden, Mason felt the urge to stretch as he realized the process of going through his status was so long and gruesome. And he was only halfway through since the Skill tab was still flashing.

Opening the Skill tab, he was greeted with the same set of skills before but some of them were increased to Level 2.

He assumed leveling up the skill would increase its effectiveness, so he brushed all the old Passive Skills aside and focused on the newly acquired ones.

Appraisal Skill was pretty easy to understand. It would allow him to assess any desired target, including its name and stat.

CQC was one of the odd passive skills he recently acquired as it would help him increase the efficiency with both small blades and unarmed combat. So does that mean he would be better in hand-to-hand combat from now on? He has been trained extensively in close quarter combat and martial arts, so he had no idea how this skill would help him. He thought about sparring with somebody to unveil this skill rather than sitting around and speculating.

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