Chapter 1

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Jisung was always a cheerful kid. He was always bright and cheerful however that was just in everyone's eyes. Because Jisung portrays it that way. He tends to hide a lot, whether it's his sadness or whatever. He never show his downside because he believes that no one else needed to know. And he didn't want them to pity him or feel bad for him, he just didn't want to ruin other people's mood. He told himself that he would never stop smiling since he was young. Because he knew fair well that not smiling would make himself sad and also others around him. And he disliked that. And there was one reason to why he told himself to keep smiling.

"Oi, Jisung!" HyunJin called out to the boy who just stood there. They were walking together with their friends but HyunJin then notices Jisung wasn't with them. When he turned around, he sees Jisung standing there, staring at something or specifically at someone.

"Isn't he looking at you?" One of the friend said to the man who was sitting on a chair surrounded by many others. His attention then turns to look at the person out by the door.

And the next moment Jisung realises is that...

He felt teardrops on his cheeks. "Oh? Why... am I crying...?" He said as he wipes his own tears away, but that just worsen it. Because no matter how much he kept wiping them away, the tears still comes gushing down.

The other person sitting down was surprised. He was just dumbfounded yet speechless as to why he was staring at him and on top of that crying so suddenly.
"Why the hell is he crying?" The people around him asked.

"That's so weird."

"Yah! Han Jisung!" The tall man who comes over spotting Jisung who was just standing there crying had called out.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you crying all of a sudden?" He panicked as he spots Jisung crying. However the so-called man called Jisung was still staring at the man sitting down.

'Han... Jisung?' The man sitting down thought as he heard a tall fellow called out to the guy who teared up looking at him so suddenly.

"Do you know him Minho-ya?" One of his friend asked.

"No." Minho shook his head slowly in reply, still trying to process the situation. "Chan-ah... why does his name sound so familar..?" Minho asked Chan who was sitting opposite of him, sitting on the chair where it's facing the front. Chan was resting his head on his palms, looking at Minho as if admiring him.

"I don't know. But I did hear that he is quite friendly with other people." Chan replied to his question as he gave a shrug.

"Let's go!" The tall handsome looking man whined. "Ughh! What's wrong with you seriously!?" The tall handsome man was annoyed at this point, he had to drag Jisung out of the area but failed.

"Yah! Seo ChangBin!" The taller man yelled. ChangBin turns around to the voice yelling at him so rudely. He knew fair well who it was straight away as he recognises that voice. His smiling face then turns into a frown and glares from afar.

"Yah! Hwang HyunJin! Is that how you call your hyung!?!?!?" A loud angry voice could be heard in the hallway, it echoed into almost all the classrooms.

"Hehehe." HyunJin giggled and instantly pulled a straight face. "Yes." He nodded with full confidence. "Help me hyungggg~" He whined, ChangBin sighs and heads over to the direction of the two.

"Now what do you want?" ChangBin looked annoyed as he folds his arms.

"Look at this stupid idiot." HyunJin said pointing at Jisung who still had tears falling. ChangBin looks over to Jisung and instantly judges him with his whole facial expression.

"What the f*ck!??!" ChangBin gave a disgusted look as he smacks Jisung really hard on the back and that finally caught his attention.

"It hurts!" Jisung held onto his back as he quickly turns to glare at ChangBin.

"Why the f*ck are you crying!?" ChangBin asked, again with that disgusted look across his face, a judging kinda look.

"W-what?" Jisung asked confused as if he had forgotten what had happened. He then felt his tears on his cheeks, still warm. He wiped it and looked so confused as ever. "W-why?" He looked at the two confused as ever. However the feelings of sadness was still rushing throughout his whole body. He could still feel that sensation where he hasn't felt for so long.

"How would we know?" The two spoke in sync and looked at each other weirdly.

"Anyway. Let's go. It's embarrassing." HyunJin said, still infront of the classroom. He covered his face as he spoke.

Jisung met eyes with the guy he cried for and he felt emotional again. His heart aches for some reason. Jisung held onto his chest due to the pain across his chest.

"Now what's wrong?" ChangBin's clearly annoyed as he was about to walk off but didn't as he had noticed Jisung acting unusual. I mean this whole situation is unusual.

"Why are you being so dramatic today?" HyunJin asked because usually he was the dramatic one. The two was about to walk ahead until...

A loud thud could be heard from behind them.

Jisung was trying so hard to catch his breath. And at this point, Jisung's knees were becoming weaker and weaker, and in the end he collapsed to the floor, still trying to catch his breath. "Yah. Han Jisung..." ChangBin called out, worried this time, his eyes were widen in surprise as he had heard that loud thud from behind. The moment they turned around, Jisung was on his knees, holding onto his chest, still.

Hearing the sounds from outside of the trio and from Jisung being out of sight the moment Minho looked away. Minho quickly stands up as he got worked up. Chan was looking at Minho, confused. "What's wrong?" Chan asked Minho who looked so worried. But Minho didn't reply. His body almost moved on his own, worried for some reason.

"I'm.... okay..." Jisung tried to say as he had slowly caught his breath again. He slowly stood up but he seemed too weak to. Noticing that, the two boys was giving Jisung support to stand up.

"Can you walk?" HyunJin asked, Jisung nodded to his question as he didn't want to speak anymore.

"I'm fine." Minho finally replied after seeing the trio leaving. He felt relieved...? He took a seat down again as he sighed in relief? But why?

'Somehow.... I feel so offended that he cried...' Minho thought as he unknowingly clenches his fist. 'Did he cry cause I was ugly or what?' He couldn't help but thought about all the consequences that made Jisung cry at him.

'But then... why... did I get so worried just then...?' He felt his chest tightens as if someone was clenching his heart at that moment. He felt his heart skipped a beat when a loud thud was heard and on top of that Jisung disappeared. He didn't know why he felt that way that day.

The whole entire day, Minho kept thinking about the guy who cried looking at him. He just didn't understand why, that person would just stop, stare and cry. And at him!? Just why!?

Minho was frustrated because he couldn't seem to find the right answer for that situation.


End of Chapter~
Hello fellow readers! It's me again! After a HyunLix I'm back with a Minsung! Yayyy! Who's excited!??!!?

Minho: No one is. So stop talking to yourself.

Author: Yahh Lee Minho! *Chases after him*

Chan: *Blocks the camera* Let's just ignore those two for today. And focus on me! *Chan smiles brightly*

ChangBin: *Takes the camera away from Chan* No! On meee!

Chan: No! *He pouts*

And the whinning begins.

JeongIn: *Sighs* Troublemakers....

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