Chapter 15

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The bells rings.

This slightly annoyed ChangBin as he is currently looking after Jisung who is in a state that cannot be left alone.

"Oi! Open the door!!!" The familiar voice hits ChangBin, that loud and clear voice is no other than Lee Minho, of course.

ChangBin rolled his eyes knowing whose behind that door. "I'll be back." ChangBin quickly ran over to the door and whispered. "I don't think it's the right time toda-" Minho pushes ChangBin aside as he welcomes himself to the house, not caring and knowing what's happening, clearly.

"Ya. It's really not the right time!" ChangBin whisper yells. "Get out." He pushes Minho out of the door.

"That's not polite of you!" Minho stood there not moving an inch, putting all the weight on himself so Changbin cannot push him out. "Are you the only one home?" Minho looked around and walks over to the room where Jisung was on the floor, wrapping himself and noticing that he was sobbing.

Jisung didn't even know Minho was here, otherwise he would've stopped crying ages ago because he didn't want Minho to see him in his worse state. He was to, into his own world where he was currently blaming himself. For every little things that had happened and happened. He wanted the dream to be real, and if that was a dream, he wanted to live in that dream forever. He didn't want to live alone in this world without Lee Know, who he had always loved and cared about. That dream made it even worse, it broke him in every way.

"Jisung..." Minho kneels down as he softly touches Jisung's arms, but there was no response. "Ya... Jisung..." He called out softly and this time, Jisung slowly started lifting his head up to see a familiar face.

The memories that should've faded with time are becoming clearer and clearer. 

The moment Jisung sees Minho in front of him, he mistook Minho as Lee Know.

His face starts scrunching up even more as he cries, trying to hold back his tears and yelps. "Lee Know?" Jisung pulled who he thought to be 'Lee Know' into a hug. "So it was all a dream." He sighed in relief, letting a tear slide through his puffy cheeks.

"W-what?" Minho becomes flustered not only because of Jisung's action but also because he was curious about who this 'Lee Know' person was.

ChangBin sighed at the sight of that. "Jisung this isn't Lee-" ChangBin shut himself out thinking that maybe this would make him feel better by not exposing the truth for this moment because he didn't want to break Jisung.

"What!? Why aren't you saying anything?" Minho glared at ChangBin as he mouthed the words instead. ChangBin just prayed for Minho to understand and was asking for forgiveness.

Jisung pulled apart from 'Lee Know' and shook his head. "I'm sorry. You told me you liked seeing me smile... Yet I'm crying in front of you like a fool." Jisung said, wiping his tears away as he puts on a smile for 'Lee Know'.

"What?" Minho glared. "I never said that." He said. 

"...At least not yet." He whispered underneath his breath.

"Hahaha. What are you saying?" ChangBin covered Minho's mouth to prevent him from exposing himself.
"Jisung why don't you get some rest? You look tired." ChangBin said, trying to get Jisung up and tucking Jisung to bed, cause he was probably tired from crying so long.

"No. I want to be with Lee Know." Jisung pouted.

"Yeah. Lee Know will be right by your side." ChangBin pushes 'Lee Know' to make him sit beside Jisung on the side.

"Do you have a death wish!?" Minho glared as he mouthed out.

"Please. You don't want him to cry do you?" ChangBin whispered back. "Unless you're that evil!"

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