Chapter 12

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"Where'd they go...?" Out of curiosity Jisung dragged himself to search for his friends as the whole house were so quiet, which was unusual.

It was already late at night when Jisung felt feverish and on this specific day when he needed the two idiots the most, the two idiots were out having fun with their own friends, leaving Jisung all alone at home, without even letting Jisung know. Jisung took 2 tablets of panadol before dragging himself to his bedroom which was located upstairs. Not long after he lied down, already feeling comfortable, the doorbell to his door started ringing.

"Ugh... who the hell is it?" Jisung grumbled weakly as he complained to himself, frustratingly kicking his blanket. He forces himself to drag back downstairs to open the door. "If either of the two idiots didn't bring their keys I'm gonna kill them." Jisung's brows were knitted together as his body was already weak enough to drag himself to bed (but somehow he had the energy to complain?). The fact that he has to use the leftover energy to drag himself back down pisses him off even more.

What's worse is that, whoever was at the door was being so impatient right now, they kept ringing the doorbell, nonstop.

"One moment!" Jisung shouted with his very last breath. "Hwang f*cken HyunJin. I swear if it's you I'm gonna murder you." Jisung clenched his teeth tightly, speaking as loudly as possible to ensure that 'HyunJin' who he thought, could have heard him loud and clear. He leaned onto the wall as he opened the door since dragging himself down required a lot of strength. 

Once Jisung opened the door, he didn't even make eye contact with whoever it was, he was too busy facing the floor. "...Are you sick?"

'That voice.' Jisung brings his head up to see Minho standing at the door who was looking at him. Jisung blinked several times, rubbing his eyes to ensure his vision was clear and not imagining who was by the door. Jisung stood their frozen, while staring at Minho with his eyes wide opened, finally realising he wasn't imagining Minho right in front of him. 

Jisung then snaps out of it, as he realised his heart was beating a little too quickly from Minho coming over unannounced. He calmed himself down as he put on a straight face. "Why are you here?" Jisung asked as he heads to the livingroom, walking as normally as possible instead of dragging himself like he was earlier.

Minho follows after Jisung, after locking the door behind him. "I asked are you sick, didn't I?" Minho asked again, almost threatening as he didn't receive an answer from Jisung.

"No." Jisung answered weakly as he plops himself on the sofa, having his face, face down.

"No, my ass." Minho sighed as he sits on the floor, sitting in front of Jisung, their eye-level's the same now.

Jisung turns his face and faces Minho, putting on a smile on his face. "I'm all better now." Jisung answered with a smile across his face.

Minho sighed, somehow feeling irritated. "Why are you even smiling when you're sick?"

"Cause you're here." Jisung closes his eyes as he felt comfortable with having Minho here, for some reason he felt all warm and fuzzy. It's a weird feeling that's hard to describe, all he knows is that his whole body was feeling ticklish, starting from the stomach, to his heart and all the way to his fingertips. "Why'd you come?" He opened his eyes as he asked Minho.

"Just to hang out." Minho shrugged. "But are you really okay?" His hand reaches to Jisung's forehead.

"Mhmm." Jisung hummed. "I'm feeling better... now that you're here." Jisung looked at Minho, sentimentally.

"What does that even mean?" Minho asked, Jisung smiled instead of answering his question. Ignoring Minho's question Jisung closed his eyes and proceeded. "I ate medicine before you came. But I think I'm feeling much better thanks to you. I don't know if it's the medicine that's making me feel better or... you... But I want to believe it's you who made me feel better." Jisung opened his eyes again when he said 'you' putting on an idiotic-like smile.

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