Chapter 16

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It was another staycation for the boys, another term has finished and the boys decided to stay at Jisung's place for their vacation.

"What? Are you planning to stay over?" Jisung asked, surprised to see Chan, Minho and SeungMin the moment he opens the door with luggages beside the three of them.

They moved in before replying to Jisung's questions. "Isn't it obvious?" Minho asked, walking in as he proudly invites himself.

"Why????" Jisung asked confused.

"Your house is nice." Chan replied.

"WHAT ABOUT SEUNGMIN'S!??!?" Jisung asked in shooked because SeungMin's house is bigger than Jisung's for sure.

"Why would you have all five of you guys move into my house when it's just three of us moving into yours?" SeungMin's smartass somehow convinced Jisung.

"Anyway. Shouldn't you bring something with you when you come to someone's house?" Jisung cleared his throat as he is expecting something because that is only a mannerful way to invite themselves into someone's house or when someone invites you, it's common sense we bring something like a house warming gift. But the three pointed at their own luggages in sync, answering to Jisung's question.

Jisung rolled his eyes. "Food. Food! FOOD!" He yelled as if that's what he meant. "At least some food!!!" Jisung yelled in frustration.

"Food!??!" ChangBin comes running down the stairs as soon as he hears the word food but was disappointed when there was nothing but the three trio in front of him.

"Go get food." ChangBin demanded in a monotone.

"You go." Minho threatened, ChangBin slowly pouts and starts whinning like a baby.

"So noisy." SeungMin covers his ears as he takes a seat on the couch making himself home.

The door opens catching everyone's attention. "I could hear you from outside." HyunJin complained with an annoyed expression across his face. To everyone's surprise, he got chicken in his hand.

"Waaaahhh." ChangBin skips to HyunJin in excitement. "How'd you know I wanted chicken?" He starts acting cute as he wiggle his butt. "But why are you up so early?" ChangBin added, usually HyunJin wouldn't be up even when there's an earthquake happening.

"No I didn't know. This is for me." HyunJin rolled his eyes. "Why are you all here?" He asked but when he looks around he sees some unfamiliar luggages and understood they came to stay over.

"There's not enough for everyone so buy your own food!" Jisung demanded as if he is the boss here.

"Deliveryyy!" Minho yells as if deliveryman would actually appear right in front of him.

"Okay what do you feel like?" Chan asked. "Pizza?"

"I want pizza!!!!" ChangBin puts his hands up.

"You want everything." HyunJin stuffed a chicken in ChangBin's mouth cause he was already too loud and it was obvious he wanted whatever food Chan was gonna get anyway.


Later that night.
"Ughhhh!!!" ChangBin starts whinning. "I'm hungry!!!!"

"You're always hungry!!!" HyunJin kicked ChangBin who was on the floor, lying on his back.

"I'm suddenly curious about how pig's sleep?" SeungMin asked all of a sudden.

"Go check it yourself." Chan said.

SeungMin looks over to ChangBin who was just across him and says, "They lie on their back." Causing everyone else to laugh except ChangBin.

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