Season 2 Chapter 1

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2 years has passed in a blink of an eye. Those two years can seem to be a long time for some, but can also be a short period of time for others.

"Wow. Time did pass quickly." Jisung said as he leans back on his chair as the trio was gathered for drinks.

"And now we can drink isn't it so amazing?" ChangBin becomes excited as he chugs the beer down.

It was already late at night and Jisung was way too drunk, somehow Jisung's two best friend ditched him without even telling him. HyunJin and ChangBin just left Jisung after going to the bathroom. "Hey... are we forgetting something?" HyunJin asked ChangBin who seems to be sleepy from drinking a little too much.

"Hmm..." ChangBin turns to look at HyunJin, squinting his eyes. "Oh... now that you say that I think we are..." ChangBin gave a deep thought as he came to realisation, still on their way back home. "...But what was it again?" He scratches the back of his head and tries to think hard but nothing came across his mind. "It's probably not THAT important." ChangBin laughed it off and the two continue to drag themselves home, all sloppy. Moments later Changbin's phone rings. He took his phone out of his pocket as he asked, "WHo is~ it?" without even looking at the caller ID, his voice cracked as he was raising his voice.

"Oi where are you? Let's play games tonight at yours." Chan said over the phone.

"Game???" He spoke in another high pitch, as if excited.

"Why do you sound like that?" Chan asked from over the phone, raising his brows in questions, sounding almost like a strict dad.

"Who is it?~" HyunJin asked, whispering as if he was afraid he would disturb the other person, while stumbling around, not even being able to stand properly.

"Channie Uncle. Hehe." ChangBin giggled with a proud grin across his face, he thought he was whispering but turns out he wasn't at all.

"HEY HEY HEY! I heard that!" Chan shouted loudly from over the phone causing ChangBin to take his phone out of his ears.

"CHANNIEE UNCLEEE~" HyunJin yelled along with a giggle.

Chan rolled his eyes as he was annoyed that these kids didn't seem to be listening. "Where the f*ck are you childrens!?" Chan yelled from over the phone, took them a while to tell Chan where they were. Chan convinced them to wait for him and sit quietly as he made his way over to the kids.

"Where's Jisung?" Chan asked the moment he arrived, missing one child of his.

"OHHH!" ChangBin said surprising Chan as he suddenly jumped up from the floor. "That's what we forgot!" ChangBin turns to face HyunJin as he giggled, pointing his finger as they come to realisation.

Chan sighed as he face palmed himself after listening to their conversation. "That's one reason I don't drink." He sighed another time.

"Wait one sec." Chan commanded as he took his phone out and calls Minho.

"What?" The first greeting Minho says as soon as he picks up the call from the old man.

"Say hello first!" Chan yells.

Ignoring Chan's word Minho continued. "What'd you want?"

"Rude." Chan said as he tsked. "Go pick up Jisung at a bar."

"Why would I? You do it." Minho sounded so annoyed over the phone.

"If I could've, I wouldn't be asking you to do it. I gotta take care of the other two kids! Can't believe they left Jisung alone ugh." Chan said as he glared at ChangBin and HyunJin, and proceeds to smack them on the head, causing one to pout and the other to yell.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2023 ⏰

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