Chapter 2

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"ChangBin! HyunJin! Wake up!" Jisung yelled as he got in their room, trying to wake the two up, but they were still sound asleep.
"Ya!" Jisung then decides to screams in HyunJin's ears. HyunJin jumped out of bed, startled.

"Ah. So annoying." HyunJin kicked his blanket to show his annoyance as he gets up. Cracking his voice slightly, he rubbed his ears to make them feel better.

"Wake up, Seo ChangBin!" Jisung then goes over to the opposite side of HyunJin's bed and rolls on top of ChangBin, this was his method of waking ChangBin up because he knew it would be hard to wake ChangBin up, the lazy pig he is.

ChangBin groaned in pain the moment Jisung's light body yet heavy at the same time, got on top of him all of a sudden. Jisung pushed his entire weight in order to wake the older one.

"Ya! Han Jisung! You better come back here!" ChangBin shouted, irritated as Jisung was being disrespectful to ChangBin. Seeing the older slowly getting up, Jisung then runs off to ensure that he isn't getting caught.

At that same time....
"...I'm going to school..." Minho said to his mother as he puts on his shoes and walks out of the house quietly. Minho had his earphones plugged in his ears as he walks to school so that no one can disturb his 'alone time'. Music calms him down, and he loves to listen to music.

Minho was so out of the world he didn't even know what was in front of him and the next moment he realises was that he had already fallen to the ground. He looks up to see the person called Jisung, the person who left a strong impression for Minho because of his tears.

"You." Jisung pointed when he sees the person who he bumped into, he was surprised to encounter him here. They literally live so close. "W-why?" He was confused on why this guy was in front of him. Jisung couldn't help but feel the emotions welling up again, but this time he held it in. Jisung offers a hand to help the other up. However, the other boy slapped Jisung's hand away and chooses to ignore him. "Don't touch me." He said, as if grossed out, well that's how Han took it.

"What's wrong with him?" Jisung said, as he watches the guy walk off before he does.

"Yah! HAN JISUNG!" Jisung instantly snapped out as he hears ChangBin's loud voice shouting from behind. He immediately runs for it, without even thinking about it because he knows he'll die the moment he gets caught. I mean this happens too often already that's why he already knows what's bound to happen next, yet he still chose death.



"Yah, Han Jisung!" The teacher yelled, as Jisung was day dreaming in class again. He was looking out at the window and not paying any attention in class. Jisung finally snaps out of it and looks at the teacher's direction.

"Jisung, this is a warning, please stay focus in class, if not I'll have to send you out." The teacher said.

Jisung then decides to walk out of class. "Where you going!?" The teacher angrily yelled.

"Out, like you asked." Jisung replied shortly, causing the teacher to yank her hair in frustration.

Jisung was just standing out infront of their classroom, looking at the wall on the opposite side as he weren't allowed to be on his phone.

There comes Minho walking by, holding papers in his hand. Minho needed to deliver those papers to the office as his teacher asked him to do it.

As Minho was walking, he had noticed someone standing out in front of one of the classrooms and had noticed it was the guy named Han Jisung after having a closer look cause his eyesight isn't that good.

At that moment Jisung looks up and their eyes meet each other. But Minho instantly looked away, switching his vision ahead of him.

'It's that guy....' Jisung couldn't help but kept staring at him as he walks pass. He doesn't know why but his heart aches whenever he sees him and maybe that was the reason why he cried the moment he first saw him. However, no matter how much he thinks about it, he just couldn't understand.

'Why... just why was he the reason why I cried after so many years?' Jisung held onto his chest as he thinks about it.

End of Chapter~
Chan: Sooo how was this short chapter?

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