Chapter 13

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Seungmin's POV
It was already school break. Exams were all finished meaning those idiots won't barge into my place unannounced.

Oh yeah, haven't told you right? They've been coming to my place without telling me, just so that they could "study" is what they always say. But whenever they come over, they never seem to be studying. All we end up doing is yelling at each other, eating and making a mess.

Ughh I don't even want to think about it. Just thinking about it gives me a headache.


I got to admit.

It was fun.

Being with them was fun.

Without myself knowing, I was grinning from ear to ear.

I got up from my bed, as I walked past the door. Something fell as I was walking by the door, knocking something over. I looked down and it was an unfamiliar book. But as I took it in my hands, it somehow felt familiar.

"...Hyung's favourite book." I smiled, lightly, not knowing it was with me this whole time. I wouldn't even have remembered it. I start reminiscing the time, he would read this to me when we were younger and he would start blabbing about the story over and over again. I would always ignore him cause I've heard it so many times to the point I was sick of it.

But now. 

I don't think I'll get sick of hearing his voice again.

I miss that look on his face. The face that could never been forgotten no matter how many days, or years past. The face he used to explain the novel to me so happily and excitedly and all giddily as if he had fallen in love all over again(but with a novel). Ever since I had grown older, that look of excitement he once had didn't remain no longer. He would still plaster a smile across his face whenever he was with me, but, the hyung, that I had once known had vanished in thin air within just a day, it all happened too quickly.

I skipped through the pages and something drops out from the book.
"Huh? What's this?" I tilted my head as I found an unfamiliar letter. I opened the letter and starts reading it.

The letter reads. "Minho, I'm sorry. I should've told you beforehand. But if I did, you would've stopped me and I wouldn't have the courage to just disappear if you had stopped me haha."
'Why the hell are you laughing about this matter!? It's not funny, hyung...' I couldn't stop my tears from welling up and the tears sliding down my face.

"You may think this was very selfish of me but I was suffocating so much... It was just so hard for me to breathe. Whenever I took a deep breath in and wanting to let that breath out. I just couldn't, that breath remained stuck. It felt like someone had their hands around my throat, choking me. Telling me I had no freedom no matter how much I tried. But whenever you were there with me, I finally knew how to breathe. Because I've met you I was able to learn how to live a normal live and I'm thankful for that-"

I closed the letter, as I thought I didn't have any rights to read this letter which weren't delicated to me.

'It's ironic. Because now I feel like I'm the one being choked.'

A tear dropped from my eyes then to my chin.

'How can I be such an idiot and didn't know how my brother felt? When we live in the same house all those years, yet I knew nothing about him. It's as if... he's a total stranger...'

I dialed the phone. "Hello?" He picked up instantly.


"What's wrong?" He asked.

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