Chapter 3

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The next day~

The moment Jisung woke up, he opened the fridge as he was hungry but there was nothing inside. Literally empty. Even the cheesecake that he bought for himself disappeared. "Seo ChangBin..." Jisung gritted his teeth and clenches his fist in anger as he mumbles the person who most likely ate all the food, even the cheesecake he was saving for later, but god knows when was later. 

Jisung had no other choice but to step out of the house to get some food. Because guess what? HyunJin nor ChangBin would be bothered to head out to buy food anyway. And so he had no other choice but to go and stock up the fridge and cupboards himself. Usually they don't cook at all, all they ever cook were instant ramen, because it's them, the guys anyway, they didn't need anything fancy. But it's just an excuse cause all three of them are lazy.

It was a weekend today.

As he was walking by the alleyway, he had noticed someone familiar.

And he spots the guy who he had cried for, for no damn reason.

What caught his attention more was that he had scars across his face. He was hurt. His face was injured but not bruised, it was red and there was cuts on his face.

"That must've hurt..." Jisung thought, staring at him from afar. 

Jisung shook his head to make the thoughts disappear. "What the f*ck is wrong with you!?" Jisung slapped his own face, the next moment he realises is that everyone around him was looking at him weirdly for slapping his own face out of nowhere.

"Mum." The little girl was tugging onto her mother's shirt, seeking for her attention. "I think that person is crazy." A little girl pointed at Jisung, holding her mother's hand.

"Don't say that too loud." The mother said to the younger kid as she  covered her daughter's mouth with concern of the crazy man hearing her.

"...I'm not crazy." Jisung mumbled to himself, softly as he didn't wanna seem like a psycho approaching a younger girl just to clarify that. (-.-)


"YAH! LEE MINHO!" Chan barges into Minho's house, unannounced. "Hello Auntie." As soon as he realises that Minho wasn't the only one at home, Chan quickly gave a smile and bows to greet her.

"Hello Channie." She laughed. "Go up." She said as she already understood why Chan was looking so worried and angry and didn't wanna bother him further by asking questions. 

"Sorry Auntie." Chan said and runs up the stairs and flies the door open towards Minho's room. 

It didn't seem to bother Minho at all, the fact that Chan nearly broke the door. Again. "YAH!" Chan glared at Minho who was just looking at Chan, already anticipating that Chan would be coming. Minho turned around staring at Chan, innocently. "Oh, don't you dare play innocent with me!" Chan was angry, yet he was holding it in. Chan sighs as he sat next to Minho on the bed, grabbing Minho's chin. "Why do you never listen!?" 

"Is fighting really that fun?" Chan glares at Minho once again, his brows were almost connected together demonstrating his frustration. But Chan was angry at himself the most because he wasn't there for Minho when he needed him. 

"Pfft." Minho smacks Chan's hand off. "Look at your reaction." He starts laughing, holding onto his stomach as he laughed. 

"Is this funny to you?" Chan coldly glared at him again. 

Minho's laughter quickly turned into a threat. "Stop glaring at me before I poke your eyes out." Minho's two fingers reaches out towards Chan's eyes but Chan dodged it. 

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