Chapter 10

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"...Feels like it's been a while." Jisung started talking as his eyes were looking everywhere but at Minho. Somehow Jisung felt more nervous than ever. It's finally just the two of them and for some reason, although Jisung sees Minho almost everyday he still felt like it's been so long, after someone's arrival.

"What do you mean?" Minho asked, looking beside him at Jisung who wasn't meeting his eyes.

"Hm..." Jisung smiled as he stepped forward and popped his face in front of Minho's, startling him causing Minho to scoot a little backwards as he bends his back. "You seem so busy these days... after SeungMin came." Jisung bitterly smiled, trying to hide that jealousy of his. 

Minho blinked, feeling a little flustered, also kind of finding himself speechless. Having the urge to tease Jisung, Minho leans back in quickly having their faces just an inch away. "Are you jealous?" Minho smirked, Jisung flinches to that question, snapping himself back to it, Jisung stands besides Minho again. 

"N-no!" He denied as he stuttered, the way Jisung denies it makes it seem otherwise for Minho. Jisung turned to face to his left and fans himself as he tries to calm himself down.

"Hm... maybe that's true."

Hearing Minho's reply Jisung turns back to face his face at Minho. "What is?" 

"The fact that we haven't seen each other in a while?" Minho tilted his head, questioning back. A little smirk was plastered as he asked, "Then shall we go on a little date?" Minho looked into Jisung's eyes, their eyes were staring at each other as if Minho was looking for a honest answer while Jisung was finding out what Minho really meant by that. Their eyes were moving side to side as they stared at each other's eyes. 

"D-date!?" Jisung stutters yet again, blushing hard.

"Why are you stuttering so much today?" Minho teasingly laughed.

"When!?" Jisung raised his voice, flustered, causing Minho to stop, having anything but loud noises around them. But he soon's burst out laughing after seeing Jisung becoming flustered, which he found cute.

"Let's get our usuals." Minho smiled softly as he continues. "Cakes and coffee."

Jisung showed an obvious facial expression as if he had understood now but felt disappointed at the same time. "...Your shout!" Jisung pouts, lowkey happy that these two would finally have their alone time. But for some reason his heart aches without himself knowing why.

Or so they thought...

They went to the cafe and bumped into SeungMin there. What coincidences I would say. "You said you're just here for a coffee...." Jisung judged SeungMin with his eyes as he glared at SeungMin, his eyes were telling SeungMin to go away. "Aren't you going back to practice now that you have done so?" Jisung asked, clearly salty about it as he was kind of excited to finally be alone with Minho but now because of SeungMin they are not alone. Again.

"I've changed my mind." SeungMin put on a fake smile as he faces Jisung, SeungMin knew he was uninvited here but because Minho's here, he chose to stay longer. That just means that SeungMin will have to practice till late again but that didn't matter for him.

"Let's not fight..." Minho sighed as he sensed something going on between these two. It was as if they were rivals from the very past.


The day after~

Jisung wasn't technically looking at Minho as he suddenly blurted out. "I love milk (oyu)." (Milk in korean sounds like "you"*)

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