Chapter 11

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"Wow. It's already school festival." ChangBin claimed in excitement as he was walking around the school with HyunJin and Jisung, ChangBin kept jumping excitedly with a wide smile across his face, laughter in between. It has already been a week since Minho's birthday, and Jisung hadn't spoke a single word to Minho since. 

"Sucks that we have to participate in at least one sport." Jisung sighed. "I just want to be at home laying on my bed instead, staying all warm and fuzzy. Instead of being under this stupid hot sun while playing sport...." Jisung starts complaining.

"We get it, you lazy." HyunJin rolled his eyes, as if trying to shut Jisung up from complaining further more.
"So you're playing dodge ball right?" HyunJin asked Jisung.

Jisung held out a peace sign. "Of course. I'm best at doing that when it comes with balls." He smiled proudly, the two's expression was saying 'of course...what did we expect from Han Jisung.'

"AH!" The shouting ChangBin yelled all of a sudden surprising the two. "Soccer's starting soon so we better go." ChangBin dragged HyunJin along with him as the two have a game starting soon. "Be safe!" ChangBin turned back to face Jisung, teasingly warned him. Jisung turned back to face ChangBin, mouthing "I got it!" Jisung was also heading to his court which is on the other end.

Jisung heavily dragged himself to the court as he hated sports the most, he was not one bit excited of the upcoming game. Jisung may not seem like it, but he hates balls. He hates playing anything that involves with balls or more like he was scared of anything ball related or just round in general.

The game had started sooner than Jisung had thought, although he was absentmindedly standing there waiting for his turn, the next moment he realises was that he was already inside the game. Jisung was giving all his might, trying so hard to dodge the ball that seem to be targeting him non-stop, as if the opponent could tell how weak Jisung seem to be. At one point, Jisung fell down when he was almost about to win the game and scrapped his knees through the grass.

Mr. Tuan blew the whistle. "Time out." Mr. Tuan stepped in and interrupted the game. He runs over to check if Jisung was okay. "Jisung, step out and get your wound treated." Mr. Tuan told Jisung.

"It's fine." Jisung insisted but on the inside he was lowkey happy he didn't have to play anymore, you could say he was dancing mentally.

"If you insist-" Mr Tuan was about to turn his back to restart the game but because he knew Jisung well, he just had to tease him.

"No! No! I'll step out! Arghh. It hurts." Jisung dramatically pretends as he hugged his knees then blew on the wound on his knees, having Mr Tuan to now hold back his laughter at the sight of the typical, troublemaker, Han Jisung.

"Just go!" Mr Tuan laughed as he shooed Jisung off. "Hehehe. Byee." Jisung giggled as he stood up and leaves the court. Although it didn't hurt as much, Jisung was still limping on his way to the nurse office. 

Minho was playing in another court while Jisung was playing his. And as it was break time for Minho, he went to refill some water as his water bottle was empty and was planning to wash his sweaty face on top of that. He sees Jisung limping from afar, he sighs before running over to Jisung.

"You okay?" Minho asked.

"Oh what the!?" To Jisung's surprise he reacted. "Why are you here? Aren't you on the other side?" Jisung asked Minho, pointing over to the very end of where his match was. Minho observes the older one, and sees his knees being scrapped. Minho then put Jisung's arms around his shoulder and lifts him up in a bridal style without even saying anything. "W-what are you doing!?" Jisung blushed to Minho suddenly carrying him like that, startled.

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