Chapter 4

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"Whatta group." ChangBin smirks as he sees the people he was grouped with, he instantly looked over to Jisung, teasing him about it.'That annoying smirk and giggle of his... I wish I could just shut him up for at least a day.' Jisung thought, clenching his fist and his teeth tightly, resisting himself from doing so. 

It was the very next day, the two combined classes had P.E together and because of their assessment, they were noted to gather around and meet up with the people they were issued to group with. And to their surprise, it was a group they have never thought would encounter. It was as if fate was bringing them together, reminding them of their very first impression. Well, it was only Jisung who gave a bad impression to a total stranger. And now, he's no longer a stranger anymore. As if destiny had bought them together. To the same class, and now to the same group after that embarrassing first encounter. 'What a luck.'  Jisung thought with full sarcasm but lowkey a little excited, thinking he could get to know the boy better.

"Stop it." Jisung glared at ChangBin causing ChangBin to feel the urge to mess with Jisung even more. ChangBin becomes giggly just thinking about it and right now in other people's eyes, he probably looks like an idiot giggling to himself.

"Let's introduce ourselves." Chan started off, breaking that awkward silence between the two groups. Well Jisung and ChangBin was basically in their own little world, but to be precise it was ChangBin who was getting all excited just thinking about this drama that's bout to happen. "I'm Bang Chan. You can call me Chan. And this guy next to me is Minho." Minho gives off a cold vibe, as if he doesn't want to talk at all. He was someone who seems hard to approach. Although, that's how it looks like on the outside but Jisung had already noticed he was different whenever he was around Bang Chan. Minho seemed... how should he say it? ...more relaxed whenever he was with Chan. 

'Minho...' Jisung thought as he couldn't help but keep staring at the guy named Minho after getting the name of the boy who he cried for when he too, does not know the reason why. Minho wasn't looking at him, however he could already feel stares coming from Jisung. It bothered him of course and he was slowly starting to get annoyed because of these stares that he is receiving. 

"I'm HyunJin~" HyunJin waved as he puts his hands up cutely, putting on a big smile. "And this is pig-rabbit." Pointing over to ChangBin, pretty proud of introducing ChangBin this way. But by doing so, HyunJin ended up receiving an aggressive slap on the back from ChangBin. HyunJin then dramatically puts his fist inside his mouth as he bites his teeth onto his fist to prevent himself from yelping loudly. 

"Sorry. This troublemaker." ChangBin covered HyunJin's mouth as he reintroduced himself. "I'm ChangBin. And I don't f*ken know who this pig-rabbit that this fellow is talking about." ChangBin reintroduced himself as he emphasises 'fken'. As if giving more revenge he threw a punch into HyunJin's stomach, not too hard but not too soft, enough to make him regret and shut up.

"And I'm-" Jisung begins to introduce himself, and without Minho knowing he turns to Jisung and pays full attention to the boy about to introduce himself. Jisung was cut off by Minho who just blurted out the name for him. "Jisung..." To Minho's surprise, he didn't even realise he blurted the name out and cut him off. Now it will seem to Jisung as if Minho was interested in him, and that's when Minho regretted. Of course Jisung was surprised as soon as he heard someone calling out his name, and it was none other but the boy Minho. 

Thankfully with the help of Chan, Minho got away with explaining. "Yeah, we know. You guys were pretty chaotic that time." Chan laughed recalling their very first encounter. 

"PLEASE! ERASE THAT MEMORY!" Jisung yells as he too wanted to erase that memory from his head, but it keeps popping up. "I beg you." He got onto the floor as he begged the two, causing Chan to laugh at the sudden, dramatic issue. But Minho was just looking at him weirdly, again.

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