Chapter 8

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"Hello class, we have a new transferred student today." Mr Choi, the home room teacher said as he had entered the classroom to settle the noisy boys down. "Come on in." YoungJae brightly gestured.

The new student then walks into the classroom and into the centre at the front. "Hello, my name is Kim SeungMin." He greeted, calmly as he searches through the whole classroom for one particular person. Once SeungMin's spots the person he was looking for, he smiled. He couldn't control that smile of his, because it's been so long and for sure he did miss the person who he was looking for.

But the person who he was looking for, Minho, wasn't even paying any attention to him. Minho was leaning on his palm as he looked out the window, looking as if he was deep in thoughts. SeungMin noticed Minho who seems to be deep in thoughts which made him become curious of what Minho was thinking about.

"Take a seat behind Minho, the empty seat at the back." YoungJae proceeded, as he begins to start taking the roll.

As SeungMin was walking past to get to his seat, he stops his track as he looks down at Minho, he couldn't help but smile and wanted the older boy's attention. Minho flinches as he had noticed a shadow from behind him, thinking it might have been Mr. Choi since he knew he, himself wasn't listening in class. However when Minho turns around, he sees an unfamiliar boy in front of him, smiling while just standing there looking down at Minho. 
'What's his problem?' Minho thought to himself as his face looked so threatening, his brows were knitted together in a furrow but that didn't threaten SeungMin at all.

'I finally got to met you again.' That, was what's on SeungMin's thought when he stood there. It was as if time has frozen for SeungMin as memories of Minho comes flashing back while it was contrasting for Minho, whilst he just wanted the boy to go away. 'I'll be the first to approach you this time.' SeungMin swore on himself as he made this promise.

A new transferred student coming in the middle of the year, Kim SeungMin. Okay, guess what time is it? It's flashback time~

Back when they were younger, it was Minho who first approached Seungmin. SeungMin was a rich little boy who always seems a little bit lonely because his parents were too busy looking after the company and making money. Money always came first but luckily SeungMin was understanding, well that's what the parents thought. It was more like SeungMin never had a choice to begin with but to be understanding and never did he ever received any love from his parents. SeungMin studied hard, just like his older brother because they were bound to take over the company once they graduated. 

But anyway, let's go back to our topic. Minho was the first one to strike up the conversation cause he wanted to make friends with everyone, yet he didn't understand how this little boy was always by himself. He was curious and thought everyone probably wants to make friends when they were young and fearless but he just didn't understand why one boy was always alone, all by himself. And so he went up to SeungMin. Although SeungMin would ignore Minho all the time, Minho never gave up in talking to SeungMin days after days. Minho literally told SeungMin about almost everything, his life, the things he had to complain about. Everything. Even though Minho knew he was basically talking to a wall, he never gave up.  

But thanks to that, it eventually opened SeungMin up.

"My parents are gonna get a divorce..." Little Minho began as he starts plucking the grass out with his little hands, this caught SeungMin's attention. SeungMin was surprised as he finally looks away from his book for the very first time, while Minho was just next to him playing and talking to himself, like usual. "I don't exactly know how I feel to be honest..." SeungMin takes small glances at Minho whose attention was on the ground, he couldn't tell how Minho was feeling either because he couldn't see his face. But he could hear a sense of sadness when Minho told him about it. 

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