B Side Chapter

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After school HyunJin would go to art school to have art lessons. These days he has been into art more than usual and wants to learn more. Although he was already talented because he didn't necessarily need anyone to teach him. However, the thought of being taught came across him that he might become better at it. He had a lot of passion in art, another thing he was passion about was dance.

Anyway, let's continue with this story.

On one particular day, he had bumped into someone after his class has ended. He came out of the building and had noticed the rain was pouring like hell. And that's when someone ran into him, he catches the person before the both of them ends up falling to the ground. Apparently the boy seems to be running into the building without checking if there was anyone in front, because the rain was pouring so hard he had to cover his face causing him to hardly see anything.

"Oh thank you." The boy with freckles said as he bowed to apologise for bumping into him.

'...' HyunJin couldn't help but keep staring at the boy who was still in his arms. The light became brighter, and there was a halo behind Felix in HyunJin's eyes. He felt his heart beating quicker than usual.

"Um... you can let go now." The boy glanced over at the other's arm as he had noticed that the other's arms was still wrapping around him.

"Oh- Ohh!!" HyunJin realises he was too busy staring at the boy with freckles and forgot about him still in his arms. HyunJin then lets go of the boy with freckles as if setting him free, but for some reason HyunJin didn't want to let go of him. As soon as HyunJin letted him go, the boy stood a distance away. He switched between looking at the pouring rain and his phone, as if he was in a hurry to go somewhere. 'This cute face... with a deep voice... damn...' HyunJin was still staring at the boy from a distance with a little smile that he couldn't hide, he just couldn't help but admire him from afar.

HyunJin had an umbrella in his tote bag, but because he wanted to stay longer beside this boy, he did not take it out to use it. I mean he could've taken it out and offer to take him to the station or his place, but he was too dumb to realise cause he was too busy staring and falling in love with this boy.

The boy with freckles glances over at HyunJin as he could feel someone staring a hole at him. He hesitates to speak, but brings up the courage sooner. "Um... do you have something to say?" He turned over to face the tall boy.

"Uh, huh?" HyunJin looked so confused as ever, he didn't really want to say something but only wanted to know his name. "No." He shooked his head, feeling a little bit hot for some reason, maybe because the boy spoke to him first? Anyway, he fanned himself to calm himself down.

"O...kay...?" The boy with freckles looked down to his feets as he thought 'It didn't seem so.'

'When would this rain stop.' He sighs.

"Yongbok ah!" Although the rain was loud and heavy, the person called YongBok looked up to see his friend with an umbrella under the rain.

"I.N-ah!" YongBok then runs under the rain and goes into I.N's umbrella. HyunJin's eyes were just following the boy's direction, his eyes didn't want to leave his. 'Yongbok...' HyunJin smiled as he found out his name thanks to the other boy, although he disliked the fact that YongBok had to leave because of him. But somehow was still thankful he got to know his name.

"You're lucky I passed by." I.N fist bumped YongBok's shoulder causing YongBok to giggle as he thanked I.N.

'I wonder when I'll see him again.' HyunJin thought, feeling sad since the chances of them bumping into each other are probably so small.


It was break time, and like usual HyunJin was just being loud with his two best friend.

"Felix! Hurry up!" Someone called out. This didn't catch HyunJin's attention of course cause he was too busy being idiots with his two idiots friend.

In that moment, someone passes him. He felt a familiar prescene walking past him, causing HyunJin to act quickly as he turns around. 'That scent...' HyunJin couldn't help but thought, his curiosity got to him. His eyes wandered around him but he didn't see the boy with dark-brown hair, named YongBok.

"What? What?" ChangBin panicked because HyunJin turned around so aggressively and so suddenly when just a second before they were laughing about stupid shits. It scared ChangBin to see an expression ChangBin had never seen HyunJin put on before, on top of that HyunJin was frowning looking like he was about to murder someone. Well that was how it looked like in ChangBin's eyes.

"Nothing." HyunJin shrugged, as he couldn't see anyone familiar. 'I'm probably thinking too much.' HyunJin shook his head so that the thoughts would go away as he continues to talk loudly with Jisung and ChangBin again.

End of B Side Chapter~
Minho: Just who did HyunJin want to murder so badly? 🤔

HyunJin: Who said I was planning to murder!?

Minho: Raise your voice again!


*HyunJin got cut off when Minho aggressively back hugs him and uses his arms to choke HyunJin*

JeongIn: Guess there's no more airfrying

ChangBin: Or feeding toilet rolls

SeungMin: It's just death. Rip. He chose death.

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