Chapter 7

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"Morning." HyunJin comes out from his room and into the livingroom. His eyes were still closed, as he wasn't fully awake yet, it's still too early. And yes he did walk with his eyes closed cause he was so familiar with where the things were in the house.

"Morning." An unfamiliar voice was around the house which had caught HyunJin's attention, his eyes wide opened surprised and ready to attack whoever that unfamiliar voice was. "Who!?" He yelled and sees someone familar sitting and eating breakfast casually as if he owned this place. HyunJin closes his eyes again, and rubs them as if he was hallucinating. "Why is Minho here!?" HyunJin shouted, pointing at Minho as he backed away dramatically. HyunJin looked around to confirm if this was his house or not, and once he had confirmed it. "But this is our house." He spoke, obvious question marks all over his face.

"Stop being so loud so early in the morning." Jisung grumbled as he places the rest of the food down on the table.

Taking Jisung's comment in consideration, HyunJin walked over next to Jisung as he whispered. "No, why?" Cause he just didn't understand why Minho was here and not at his own place nor Chan's place.

"Cause?" Jisung rolled his eyes, replying to HyunJin's question, unbothered to explain. Well it's not like Jisung knew why he showed up so late at night as well. But he didn't want to tell them how Minho looked sad cause it wasn't his place to say anything in the first place.
"Just shut up and eat." Jisung stuffed a piece of bread into HyunJin's mouth as Jisung could tell HyunJin was about to ask more question. Jisung then takes a seat beside Minho, while HyunJin follows to take his seat too, on the opposite side of Jisung.

And there comes the second trouble maker. "Ayo." ChangBin said in this lazy husky voice, clearly not awake either. He takes a seat where he normally sits. Minho was just calmly drinking milk and all of a sudden he almost spits the milk out as soon as ChangBin starts screaming and banging onto the table accidentally as he was shocked that he jumped out of his seat.

Finally noticing Minho here in this house. "OH!?" ChangBin points over at Minho who was sitting across him. "WHY ARE YOU HERE!?" ChangBin yelled out loud, still pointing at Minho, his brows were crossed as if super confused.

Jisung reached his hands all the way across ChangBin and stuffed another piece of bread into his mouth. "Just eat." Jisung was clearly done with his two best friends. "But!" ChangBin wanted a clear answer, while Minho was just eating as if he had already adapted to these people already, being troublemakers I mean.

"Hyung!" Jisung yelled at the top of his lungs, as he glares down at ChangBin.

ChangBin's eyes were widen as he felt offended with Jisung yelling and also glaring down at him, as if Jisung was looking down at him."LIKE YOU SAID I'M YOUR HYUNG!" ChangBin hissed. "Hmph. Fine." ChangBin then starts eating while pouting but doesn't pout any longer because food was always his life and always his happiness. Food was always the cure to everything.


Jisung was at the school's bathroom as he looked at himself in the mirror. He then starts complaining about his bangs being too long however he didn't want to go to the salon to get it done cause he was too lazy. And yes he was talking to himself. "Then shall I help you?" Someone asked from behind him startling Jisung as he was only staring at himself in the mirror and his bangs, not noticing anyone else beside himself. He looks up and sees Minho behind him. Minho asked as soon as he heard Jisung complaining about his bangs, he was laughing a little as he heard Jisung talking to himself, the moment he walked into the bathroom.

"Heh?" Jisung turns around to face him properly, his head tilted surprised to hear Minho suggest that. "Uhh." Jisung hesitated as he didn't trust Minho in trimming his bangs, not like he trusted anyone to begin with.

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