Chapter 14

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As time passes, Jisung's heart becomes to feel bitter whenever Minho was around. He would constantly feel uneasy but at the same time he likes being beside him. No, he wants to be beside him.

"Hyung..." Jisung started off.

"What?" ChangBin glanced over at Jisung then back to his bowl of ramen. He looked back, facing him this time as he noticed that sad, deep in thought look on Jisung's face. "Y-You're scaring me with that serious look of yours." ChangBin was just about to take a big slurp of his ramen, ChangBin noticed Jisung hadn't touched his food thinking it was weird because normally he would've already had food stuffed in both of his two cheeks.

"I feel weird..." Jisung's eyes looked down as he clenches onto his shirt, stating his heart was feeling uneasy.

"Why?" ChangBin finally took a bite of the ramen that was in front of his lips earlier as if this was normal for Jisung to be acting like this. Or more like he kinda knew what was going on.

"I don't know..." Jisung shook his head and continues, "...whenever Minho is around I would just feel weird. This weird feeling I've never felt before. I don't know." Jisung said as he looked sad, but ChangBin on the otherhand instantly smirked the moment he heard Jisung mention Minho's name.

"You like Minho, don't you?" ChangBin smirked, raising his brows as he thought teasing him would be fun.

"N-no! No!" Jisung stuttered then shouted, flustered to ChangBin's question. "Why the hell would I!?" Jisung raised his voice and jumps out of his seat.

"I mean you can't control your feelings." ChangBin shrugged along with a smirk, and signals Jisung to sit back down.

"...Do I really...?" Jisung looked down yet again. He didn't know whether he should feel relieve about finding out his feelings, whereas he was more confused than ever.

"I was just kidding! Don't be so serious and sad!!!" ChangBin yelled, although he wasn't kidding about Jisung having feelings for Minho. It was quite obvious for ChangBin since he has been friends with Jisung for quite a long time. And the way he acts around Minho just feels different. It was as if they were soulmates from their past.


Just when Jisung realises he starts to develop feelings for Minho gradually. He spots Minho easily nowadays.

"Oh! Minho-!" Jisung called out but instantly hides behind a wall as soon as he sees a girl with him.

"I like you!" She yelled so loudly that the whole entire school could've heard her, I would say she was rather brave.

As soon as Jisung heard that, he thought he shouldn't have interrupted them so he quickly turns around from where he came from and walks off.

Jisung then runs away, frustrated. "Is he getting confessed to...?" He asked himself. "I bet he's gonna accept her since she's pretty, tall and popular."

Suddenly Jisung felt someone grab him on the wrist and the next second he was spunned around.
He closes his eyes, then opened it to see who it was. And the person in front of him turns out to be Minho, who was seen out of breath, trying to catch his breath as he was chasing after Jisung.

"Why do you walk so fast!?" Minho complained, panting. Jisung didn't even have the time to load, he just stood there confused as to why Minho was there when he was just getting confessed to.

Before Jisung even got the chance to reply, Minho spoke before he does."I turned her down!" Minho yelled, as he didnt want Jisung to get the wrong idea. He didn't realise his voice was loud just now.

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