Chapter 6

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Minho was just free dancing, vibing to the music to get inspiration for the choreography assessment and there was Jisung staring at Minho who was dancing beside him. Jisung felt the urge of wanting Minho's attention so he kept staring at Minho however Minho did not even glance once at Jisung. And so Jisung lightly bumped him on the shoulder and now that he had finally gotten Minho's attention he did not think about the consequences in doing that. Minho glared down to Jisung as soon as he received a bump and in return Jisung gets a rough shoulder bump from Minho. At this point Jisung was about to punch Minho as Jisung almost fell when Minho aggressively bumped into Jisung. Thankfully Chan stepped in to stop them. Otherwise they might've actually fought each other.

After practice like usual, these two went out to get desserts instead of main course meals, unlike the other three. They got cheesecake and chocolate cake, one of each slices for them to share, although that probably won't be enough to share.

And guess what, of course Jisung was eating his two favourite cakes deliciously. Jisung was just minding his own business as he gobbles them down like a lil quokka that has been starved for days, having both side of the cheeks full. Soon he heard a laughter from the person sitting across him, the laughter was kind of annoying as if the other person was mocking the way Jisung was eating. That's when he realises he wasn't alone, and yes he had forgotten about it. He looks up to see Minho laughing, it sounded annoying but he looked elegant at the same time? Like how??? While whilst Jisung on the other hand was monstrously eating all those cakes. Jisung slowly puts down his fork as he soons realises how impolite he was being a little regret of his actions.

Minho notices Jisung putting his forks down and encourages Jisung to eat more. "Keep eating. It's cute." He chuckles as he said, Jisung didn't like how the way Minho made it sound like. He didn't like being called cute either. All of a sudden Minho leans towards Jisung as he reaches out his hands to wipe Jisung's corner of his lips.

Jisung froze there as he didn't know why Minho all of a sudden touched his lips.

As if noticing Jisung frozen and confused Minho quickly commented. "There's chocolate crumbles at the corner of your lips."

"Oh...." Jisung blinks serval times and blushes afterwards to that comment. 'Why is he playing with me?' Jisung thought to himself as he didn't understand how a person could be cold and warm at the same time. One moment he is cold and distant and another he is caring. Like how????


"Who is it?" Jisung opened the door as he had heard door bells ringing. He ran to get the door and as he had opened the door he couldn't help but plaster a big smile across his face when he sees the unexpected Minho standing there. "Minho-yah!" Jisung beamed a smile at Minho as soon as he sees Minho at his door. However Minho on the other hand looked so exhausting and he was all wet from the rain. "Yah! You're all wet." Jisung's smiling face has now turned into a frown after seeing the younger one like this. "What happened?" Jisung asked however Minho didn't utter a single word, just like his usual self is what others would've thought but Jisung knew something was wrong. "I'll get you a towel. Come in." Jisung gestures as he turns around, about to head into the bathroom to get a towel for Minho to wipe himself incase he gets sick.

Minho grabbed Jisung by the wrist, turning Jisung back, facing Minho and of course Jisung was surprised to the sudden pull that almost made him lose his balance. "W-why?" Jisung looked into Minho as he becomes flustered.

That's when Minho leans his head on Jisung's shoulder. This caught Jisung off guard because he had never seen Minho like this, and I doubt anyone else had.

"A-are you okay?" Jisung stutters as he was flustered from Minho's sudden action, which worried him even more. For some reason, he felt worried but his stomach was feeling butterflies at the same time. He was feeling nervous and anxious, all sorts of emotions.

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