Chapter 5

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As days goes by, Minho and Jisung had gradually gotten closer. Minho on the other hand would convince himself otherwise, but these two was basically soulmates. They would always end up being together no matter where they went, whether it be coincidence or whatnot. Even on weekends they would see each other coincidentally. Funny thing is Jisung always ends up following Minho around like a lost lil puppy.

"Oh. Isn't this Minho?" Minho turns around to see who was calling out to him and there Jisung was standing behind him, smiling like an idiot.

"What are you doing here?" Minho asked, with an annoyed look plastered across his entire face, as if Jisung weren't welcome to come to this supermarket.

"To buy stuff." Jisung ignored that obvious annoyed face of Minho's as he plastered a big smile across his face. Minho was about to leave as he pushes his cart, however Jisung too, pushes his cart right behind Minho, following him around.

Noticing that, Minho turns around as he glares at Jisung. "Why are you following me?"

"I'm not tho." Jisung replied with a shrug as he lied.

"Clearly." Minho rolled his eyes as he continues to put stuff into his cart. Jisung puts the same stuff as Minho into his cart, without even knowing what he was buying. Jisung's was leaning onto his cart as if it was the playground's equipment. "Hey, you're gonna fall at this rate." Minho warned as soon as he had noticed Jisung standing onto the rail of the cart, dangerously.

"No, I won't." Jisung shook his head. "Are you worried about me?" Jisung smirked as he leans towards Minho.

"Why would I?" Minho glared as he continued to walk ahead of Jisung.

As they have left the supermarket, Jisung was still following Minho. "Are you done following me like a lost lil puppy?" Minho bluntly asked, there was no point beating around the bush.

"Hmm..." Jisung pretends to give a deep thought. "Nope." He shook his head, feeling proud of what he is doing which indeed made Minho speechless.

"You're really...." Minho sighs, clearly giving up as he tries to calm himself down. "You keep making me speechless."

"Oh~ I'll take that as a compliment." Jisung smiled, brightly causing Minho to roll his eyes as he continues his way back home. "How about we get ice americano and cheesecake?" Jisung suggested.

"No, thank you. Don't want to go with you." Minho replied not even bothered looking at Jisung. Jisung then steps infront of Minho stopping his track.

"Why not?" Jisung pouts as he whines.

"Stop it before I hit you." Minho warned causing Jisung to pout even more, and returns walking beside Minho.

Through Minho's expression it seems as if he hated it, but he still allowed Jisung to follow him around without all those threats. And if he did indeed hated Jisung's being, he wouldn't even reply or talk to him even.
Although Minho didn't want to admit it, but he indeed knew that he lowkey felt comfortable having Jisung around him. This very reason was weird for Minho and there is one reason why he didn't want to admit it. To tell you a little bit, other than Chan he was comfortable with, there was also this one other friend, a very precious friend to him that he felt comfortable with. This precious friend was the reason why Minho is denying to admit he felt comfortable with Jisung. It's not because he didn't want to, it was more like he didn't dare to.

Anyway weekends has already passed, however Minho still couldn't help but keep thinking about his dear, precious friend. This very fact, still hurted him, or even... haunted him...

Whenever he thought about him, there was always something that's piercing into his heart and no one... Not even Chan or that friend could pull it out for him, to make him feel free. That was how suffocating it was for Minho. Every moment, he regretted.

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