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The Byers Residence | Fri 7:42 PM
Will Byers

Barely able to stand after what just happened, Will leaned against the sink for support while watching his salty tears trickle down the drain. He wasn't physically hurt in any way shape or form since Mike made sure to be gentle with him, but emotionally, he was mad at himself. Sure, he liked it no doubt, but at a certain point the act was just having sex.

And he wanted to make love.

He wanted a trail of butterflies to be left behind with every thrust and pant. Less talking, more kissing to muffle his words. He wanted his heart to thump against his skin, just by being close to him. He wanted to burn under every touch—no matter how small—and feel all of the pleasure that could distract him from the pain.

But instead he felt none of that. It didn't happen in slow motion, it flashed before his eyes. One second they were talking, next second Mike's dick was in his mouth. And through all of it he felt nothing but what was happening to him on the outside.

"You have to stop running from this, Will."

His eyes widened at the sound of what he thought was a new voice when he first heard it. When he tilted his head up and peered into the mirror, people he never thought he'd get the chance to see where there. Individual from each other without the grotesque form they took during punishments.

"Pushing your feelings down isn't healthy and your only hurting yourself in the end." Said one of them, in the body of a guy with long black hair styled into a loose braid. He was Asian, wearing khaki shorts and a stripped Hawaiian shirt, which was a little weird seeing as Will was just in a towel and basically naked.

He was a little confused at first as to who was supposed to be who, but once he saw the other person in the room sitting on the toilet with their head buried in their hands, it was easy to put two and two together.

"I really...w-wanted to make this work. I-I love him..." He replied between sniffles, trying his hardest to keep his composure but losing himself when Trice came over and wrapped his arms around the shorter boy for comfort. They placed their chin on top of his head and frowned at Jacob who was equally just as hysterical as Will, if not more.

"Jake..." he groaned. "Pull it together, man!"

The other guy in the bathroom lifted his head up, wiping the wetness off their face, redness along their cheeks and nose. Jacob was black, his skin a lighter shade of caramel against the freckles speckled around his body. He wore a cap that trapped the curls trying to escape underneath, an ivy sweater, and black jeans that were cuffed obviously.

"I'm sorry," his southern accent was thicker than before, more prominent in his words. "I just hate that he feels like that, you know? And there's nothing we can do about it."

Trice sighed before taking one of his arms off Will and reaching out for them. Jacob stood up slowly, accepting his offer and joining their hug. Being split apart was a little overwhelming, so having them close again made Will feel slightly better about the situation although he really wanted to get a better look at the two. Officially meet.

Once they pulled away, the three stared at each other in silence for a moment. Will didn't think about the fact that this must also be their first time seeing each other and themselves. And it had to be especially weird for them since they'd spent all this time mad at each other's voices and now they had faces to yell at.

"I don't mean to be that person but...I still don't understand why you two love him so much. Sure, Jacob brought up some good points but—"

"I did?" He said, his lips curving up into a faint smile at this small victory. Maybe he was finally starting to get through to them.

𝐇𝐮𝐫𝐭 𝐌𝐞 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 ; 𝘉𝘺𝘭𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now