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Woodlake High | Tue 9:32 AM
Will Byers

Ever since Will took on the greatest honor one can have in high school of being a cheerleader, there were a few rules he had to abide by before he could really be accepted by the group.

Like rule number thirty-four: always bring an extra everything. Extra lip gloss, extra deodorant, extra hair tie. You'll never know when your fellow girl (or boy) will need it.

Tap, Tap went a hand on Will's shoulder from the seat behind him. "Hey Will?"

It was Jonah, her high ponytail tied with a big bow flaunting their school colors. Blue and gold. The push up braw she was wearing brought the roundness of her chest up to her neck and complimented her long fluttery eyelashes.

Her physical appeal almost made up for how painful it was talking to her.

"Can I borrow like...a piece of paper." She chewed her gum loudly, streams of spit flying out of her mouth. Will tried not to make how revolted he was obvious on his face.

"Yeah, sure thing."

He clicked the rings of his binder open and handed her a few pieces, making sure she was set for the rest of the day.

"Hey Will? Can I borrow a pencil too?"

He knew he'd never see the pencil again if he gave it to her, but rules were rules. Soon he'd be a cheerleader, and able to actually say no. As if he didn't already struggle with it before.

Will gave the girl what she needed and tried to focus back on the assignment at hand. He should've been done by now; science class was his strongest subject. All the worksheet was asking were simple questions about the periodic table. What was the difference between a period and a group? He knew this! So why was his mind blanking all of a sudden?

Then Trice and Jacob came to distract him further.

These rules make no sense.

Yes they do! Being able to help out your teammate promotes trust and unity!

They're obviously just using him!

"That's not true..." Will whispered to them.

Trice, why do you always have to be so negative all the time? Will is happy and finally apart of something!

Your one to talk. Every time something doesn't go your way you go straight for the knife.

"Shhh, I'm trying to focus."

Will, come on! Rule number eight? No Cheerleader can get above a 2.5 GPA? Or rule twenty-one? If you start dating someone, the other cheerleaders get to test their loyalty? What does that even mean?

Trice did have a point. Every class he had with one of his teammates brought him a sense of dread. Knowing that he'd have to give them all the answers on every assignment while they did nothing because of rule nineteen, and be forced to listen to their pointless conversations instead of focusing on learning because of rule three.

Sure his grades were starting to slip, but at least he wasn't an outcast anymore. He was finally after years of being a nobody, popular.

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