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⚠️TW: Smutty (not graphic)⚠️

3 years ago...

Derry, Maine | Sat 5:52 PM
Will Byers

One thing Will would always miss about Derry were the summers. Some days, the sun's rays would dance along his skin, the mornings starting with the chirping of birds in his ears and the evenings ending with a light show in the sky. Hues of oranges and pinks and yellows. Like one big pallet. Other days it was cooler, the warm breeze playing with his hair, allowing him to relax outside with a nice book and a blanket. Stargazing constellations he didn't know the name of.

Another thing Will enjoyed about the summers was the fact that he got to spend every waking moment with the losers. They always had the most entertaining sleepovers, that somehow always turned into a game of spin the bottle where Bev would make the boys kiss each other while trying to hold in her giggles. And swimming in the quarry once the air was cooler was a daily routine they'd all partake in. Sort of like a rite of passage.

But the activity to top anything else had to be getting revenge on the Bowers gang for the 9 months of torture they were all put through.

Usually it was a group activity, but on this particular night, Will was feeling spontaneous. He wanted to do something bigger than throwing rocks at them or spray panting their cars. He had already spent the first half of the day collecting supplies, constructing a tight plan, and getting encouragement from Richie. And now it was time.

He biked his way to Henry Bowers' neighborhood once the sun dipped below the houses, stopping at a streetlight and propping his bike up against it. Then, he crept behind cars, checking to make sure no one was around. His book bag sagged on his back, holding the contents that would be used to send a message. The message being that the losers were not the people to fuck with.

Slowly so it wouldn't make noise, Will unloaded the egg carton from his bag, opening it and taking one, closing an eye and aiming. The mailbox seemed like a good place to start and so he lifted the egg and stretched his arm back.

He released just as the cop car pulled up to the house, a man emerging from it a few seconds later and calling out into the street of scattered cars. The only thing helping Will hide as the boy crouched down behind one. Shit! Joyce already thought the losers were bad influences on him. And if he got arrested, she'd lock him away for the rest of summer!

"Hey! Who's there!" Officer Bowers yelled, Will watching his feet as he approached the vehicles. What if he shot him or something? He'd much rather be caught and possibly token to jail than almost dying. So, I'm Henry's words, he was a pussy and slowly stood in his view, his hands already up. His form of waving the white flag.

He didn't get arrested, and Joyce never found out what happened, but his punishment for this crime was still worse than anything he could've imagined. Everyday for the rest of break, Will had to wash the cop car and every other car in the driveway. Including repainting Henry's discolored bike.

Suddenly, the summers weren't so great anymore. Firstly, the sun would be cooking him alive during his labor, making sure to burn every single spot Will forgot to cover up. Giving him patches of red and white. Then, after work he'd have no energy to do anything but sleep, because just to add to the amount of time it took to wash 3 cars, Henry would come out an taunt him, spilling beers on the windshield purposely and throwing pizzas on the doors.

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