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(Citadel = sit • a • dull)

Woodlake High | Fri 12:34 PM
Will Byers

Mental illness ran in the Byers' family tree. One of Will's cousins was Bipolar, he had an aunt with dementia, Lonnie had severe anxiety, and he had something he still couldn't find a name for. His unnamed illness was a rarity, and a constant pain in his ass in situations where emotions were high. Before he was able to think logically and solve the problem or deescalate it, but now he had Jacob and Trice who knew of no such thing.

One of them made him break up with Mike. It was one of their forces, or maybe a combination of both that made him say what he said. Then after it was just spiraling depression and he stopped going to school, talking to his family, coming out of his room. He even stopped eating food, and instead for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, all he ate was a spoonful of regret and a sliver of guilt. He should've never invited Troy over, or started being friends with him in the first place. Will was going behind Mikes back and he couldn't even blame him for assuming the worst. And then Will had the audacity to break up with him even though he was in the wrong.

You could've done more than standing there like an idiot and not saying anything. It's all your fault we're not happy right now.

Jacob was more heartbroken than Will, thinking that if they would've had the chance to front he could've saved their relationship. But it was too hard to keep the wrath of Trice in check and take control at the same time. So now he was collectively mad at both of them.

"I'm sorry...you're right," Will turned over in his bed, the dark, sad atmosphere making him want to cry again. "All he wanted was a good boyfriend and I had to go and mess it up."

You should be sorry. Maybe we'd all feel better if you went to get a knife. It's always fun to test how sharp they are on our skin.

"Ok...that does sound nice."

He hadn't even sat up when Trice jumped in to interrupt their pity party, giving themselves time to process everything, which lead to a bigger epiphany that the other two hadn't realized.

Before you do something stupid, think about it for a second. We've had five mental breakdowns in two years and Mike is the cause of not one, not even two, but three of them! He's probably off living his best life not even caring about you or any of us, so I say you get your ass up and get out of this funk. Show Mike you're doing fine without him. Even if it isn't true right now.

Trice was absolutely, 100%, correct. Maybe Mike was causing him more pain than he thought. Maybe this time apart would do them good, he would be able to calm down and work on his anger while Will could learn not to depend on him for his only source of happiness. He needed to live for himself and remember to put his mental health before anything else.

The boy repeated the statement to himself like a mantra. Mental health before anything else. Mental health before anything else.

Mental health before anything else.

• • •

It was a known fact that Jonathan Byers was a pessimist, always talking people out of their decisions and using 'what if's' to justify why he didn't live out his life.

𝐇𝐮𝐫𝐭 𝐌𝐞 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 ; 𝘉𝘺𝘭𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now